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304 things on the first day!  Not too bad.  Not familiar with the challenge?

Read more about the 1,001 item purge challenge

Here are a few rules I made along the way.  What?  If I try to define everything up front, I’ll never start it.

  • Like things count as one.  I had a few lots of things that I didn’t count individually like tea bags, papers and such.
  • Sporadic photos.  I didn’t photograph everything.  No time for that.  This challenge is not really to see how fast I can get rid of 1,001 things, but no new things until I get rid of that many.
  • Groceries and toiletries don’t count.  We can buy these things, as we need to live and I don’t want CPS taking my kids away.

Here’s the list of what I got rid of today:

  • day1b52 books and CDs
  • 23 pieces of women’s clothing
  • 1 pile of school papers
  • 36 pieces of boy’s clothing
  • 22 kids’ books
  • 2 rescued DVDs
  • 17 books
  • 14 kitchen items
  • 2 sour cream containers
  • 3 coffee mugs
  • 1 lot of tea bags
  • purge papers2 plastic bags
  • 4 towels
  • 3 halloween makeup tubes
  • 1 backpack
  • 1 bag of almonds
  • 45 junk drawer items
  • 46 junk bin items
  • 29 toys

Weird facts about the stuff

  • day1eThe 52 books and CDs were given to me to get rid of.  I made $8 selling them at Half Price Books.
  • A resale shop bought a couple pieces of clothing and I made $10.
  • Our family eats a lot of sour cream.  I reuse the containers, but I have over 12 of them.
  • The 2 plastic bags were given to me.  We only use reusable bags.
  • The towels
    are bath towels.  I’m sick of picking them up after my kids.  Less towels = less to pick up.
  • The backpack is new.  I have no idea where it came from.  His dad’s house?
  • The almonds I used up to make almond milk.
  • Junk bin items are the 6 small baskets (a.k.a. toy boxes) on my kitchen table.

books purge

Difficulty level: Easy

The only thing I had trouble going through is my books.  I’m a book hoarder.  I have a wall made of books.  I don’t like to get rid of them.

I’m ready to get rid of more.  I’ll be putting a big box of stuff on Freecycle.

304 down, 697 to go.