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Read more about the 1,001 item purge challenge

Here’s the final item list:

  • stupid-junk-i-needed-to-get-rid-of2 books
  • 1 broken racquetball racquet
  • 3 more glue sticks
  • 4 stupid crap items
  • 5 toys
  • 22 boxes
  • 3 chargers
  • 20 nuts and bolts
  • 2 lanyards
  • 2 kitchen items
  • 33 empty paint bottles
  • 6 Christmas ornaments
  • 1 plastic storage tub
  • 1 reusable bag
  • 10 plug outlets
  • 1 card
  • 7 dead AA batteries
  • empty-paint-bottles6 expired food items
  • 3 nasty socks
  • 1 lego piece
  • 13 school supplies
  • 1 curtain
  • 5 bed sheets
  • 68 pieces of clothing
  • 1 trampoline spring cover
  • 19 toiletries
  • 1 empty Crest citrus splash toothpaste tube
  • 2 speakers (not mine)
  • 1 iPod (not mine)
  • 1 collector coin (not mine)
  • 3 pairs of shoes
  • 2 towels
  • 84 obsolete software CDs
  • 1 CD case
  • crest-citrus-splash-toothpaste12 craft items
  • 1 camera bag
  • 1 camera lens
  • 39 plastic crap items
  • 3 recipe boxes
  • 10 Xbox games
  • 1 broken mini tripod
  • 1 office supplies
  • 1 CD cassette adapter
  • 13 Christmas cards
  • 8 papers
  • 2 empty DVD cases
  • 7 hair clips
  • 2 light wands
  • 1 book light
  • 10 receipts
  • 1 handful of Boxtops

Interesting item facts

  • racquet-stirngs-superimposed-artI kept the broken racquet to do an artistic photo shoot of it.  #seriously?  (one more photo below)  It was also part of the random Wissing Christmas tree.
  • More glue sticks…
  • I apparently like to keep boxes and packaging.  #ijustdontknowwhy
  • When has anyone ever matched up a random charger to an actual item?  Why don’t power supplies EVER have the name or brand of the item it supports?
  • There’s never a shortage of expired foods in my house.  Cooking is not my thing.
  • The 3 nasty socks were found in the side pocket of my kids’ suitcase.  I forgot to put on my hazmat suit before opening it.
  • Dear Crest, I may have been the only person that bought your citrus splash toothpaste, but you could have sent me some before discontinuing it.
  • The software amounts to thousands of dollars over the years.  All for PC’s and all obsolete.

What I learned from this challenge

It’s much easier to keep my house picked up.  I had my kids participate in this challenge.  They willingly got rid of a lot of stuff.  Less stuff = less mess.  Life is way too short to be picking up crap I don’t even need.

Get rid of your items immediately.  If you don’t, the stuff will creep back in.  Take it to a thrift store.  Right now.  Go!

This should be an ongoing practice.  Maybe not this many items, but a 25 item purge once a month?  Yes, that would be really good.  And easy.  I guess I found my next challenge.
