This morning, I have to sadly report that the Christmas season is getting busier and doesn’t show signs of slowing down. My blog is named ’embrace chaos’, because I do just that. I’m not good at relaxing, slowing down or experiencing any type of leisurely lifestyle, although I do have some deep down desire to do just that.
In trying to evaluate my schedule and why it feels so hectic, I did realize a few things this Christmas season.
One thing is that there’s more to do during Christmas, but the rest of the busyness and regular weekly tasks don’t go away or change to accommodate this reality. Due to the commercialism of Christmas, most people are not only busier in their personal lives, but also at work. I work for a church, and although it isn’t busier for the same reason, there’s still a lot on my plate. I’ve come to the conclusion that everything on my plate is attached to bungee cords. The tasks might be accomplished, but they eventually come back, and with much more force the time second time around.
So as much as I would love to blog all of my many thoughts on this topic, I simply don’t have the time. I have to get the kids up, drive across town for Joe’s wrestling, go to work and finish my weekend stuff before the 2 o’clock rehearsal, finish making our ‘tinselectomy’ Christmas gifts, finish two freelance jobs, start another one… okay, you get the point.
Take the time this year to evaluate your hectic Christmas season. Although I’m too busy, I’ve started the evaluation process and I’m looking for innovative changes to create the magic word we all crave: BALANCE.
Oh…I understand totally!! It seems like I never get to rest unless I am in bed!
In my experience, things attached to bungee cords come back at an average G-Force of 4.5, usually smacking my in the face. Either that, or they are named Chompy and start speaking in an evil “Want to Play?” voice….