Where does the time go??? It’s been that long already? Today I’ll just do a few updates on the challenge.
What have I learned?
Many good things, but mostly that there are good alternatives to a lot of the purchases I would have normally made without the challenge. I borrowed tools and gardening equipment, things I would have normally purchased. (Jeff and Thad, I don’t have the missing shop vac. LOL) I also seem to lend out more of my stuff to people that know I’m doing this, as they are rethinking purchases as well.
What’s the biggest change?
I would have to say impulse buys. With the challenge, I’m not even inside too many stores, but before the challenge I would buy things I just didn’t need, or want for that matter. I do this thing with my kids when they want something, I make them wait 24 hours, then if they still remember it and still want it, I will take them back and let them buy it. (with their money) I will do this myself too, even when the challenge is over.
Where there any surprises?
I’m constantly surprised by the number of people reading my blog and how they have changed some of their shopping habits. I didn’t expect so many people to follow my progress, and some of them I don’t know very well.
I’m also surprised by the amount of money I’ve saved. I must have spent a lot on junk I didn’t need! I have no debt and I won’t even consider changing that. I didn’t have a lot before the challenge, but I would justify making a purchase before I had the money for it. I live more within my means now and have money to help others when I have the opportunity.
My house is easier to clean. I just don’t have as much stuff… well, the garage is not included in that area yet, but as soon as it’s not 150 degrees out there, I will be making it into an art studio. I have taken loads of stuff to the resale shop, and I still have several more to go.
What happens after the challenge?
I get this question a lot. Hopefully I will still keep many of the lifestyle changes I have made to do this challenge. I plan to, as that’s the purpose. I might buy something retail afte it’s over, but that won’t happen without looking for the item second hand or trying to make sure I really need it.
If you have a question about the challenge, post a comment here and I’ll answer. Thanks for following the challenge!!!!!
I have learned a lot and it has been great to follow along with you on your journey!