Only 24 more shopping days until Christmas! Oh wait, maybe they’re actually going to open stores on Christmas now. I feel awful for the retail workers. Not only is this a crazy time of year for them, but they didn’t even get to enjoy Thanksgiving. I know this, because I worked in retail for several years. Doorbusters have been around for many years now, but as everything we do at Christmas, it has reached the point of ridiculousness. If we can’t open earlier than the store down the street, than we’ll open the day before… Thanksgiving.
Let me just say I am all about getting a good deal. Why can’t these stores just all give good prices and run some regular sales instead of creating mass chaos? The stores are controlling people. The stores decide when we shop, how we shop and what we buy. And if Black Friday isn’t enough, we now have Cyber Monday. UPS, get ready.
My 24 days left will be spent avoiding stores. The few gifts I am buying were purchased at a local discount, hole-in-the-wall store. Yes, they do still exist, but they aren’t easy to find. I also made my one online purchase, the one gift my kids are getting besides their passports this year. The gift was $19.95. The rest of the money we would spend on Christmas? It’s going to Casa Hogar Elim in Mexico, to the Sons of Lwala in Kenya and to some local compassion ministries in Frisco, Texas. Have a tinselectomy! I did.
Elizabeth and I found a new form of holiday entertainment, well, probably more like a hobby. We went Santa shooting last weekend. No, not with a gun silly, a camera. We will be doing this throughout the ‘season’ and will share some photos with you!
This is our first find, and quite honestly, the most funny and somewhat disturbing. I like to call ‘The Symmetrical Hazy Plastic People Nativity Scene with Flying Peanuts’. Yes, because inflatables aren’t weird enough just sitting on the ground, let’s bungee it across the walkway so Charlie Brown and Snoopy can hoover over baby Jesus and hit people in the head if they come visit us.
If this is your house, and you’re reading my blog, just know that I also do some weird Christmas things, so don’t be offended. We’re just having a little fun. I use flamingos in my yard and I have a full size mannequin named Darla.
More Christmas fun tomorrow…
As nay as you might say, I still say, YAY, you ARE a writer, my friend :D
That picture really is too hilarious! Thanks for the great examples of your tinselectomy!
Maybe it’s the plastic Jesus levitating the Peanuts…IT’S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!! look forward to more updates.
My trigger finger is getting itchy!!!!!
too funny!
love your tinselectomy examples, also!
Maybe Snoopy and Charlie Brown are playing the role of the angels in the nativity scence… right?!
“because inflatables aren’t weird enough just sitting on the ground, let’s bungee it across the walkway so Charlie Brown and Snoopy can hoover over baby Jesus and hit people in the head if they come visit us.” Completely funny! Thanks for your humor & truth!