There are just some things you rarely see in affluent suburban areas. I decided to walk to work this past week, and what did I see? #1, a whiskey bottle in a tree. It was empty. What? You would have checked too. I guess the good thing here is that the person drinking it wasn’t driving. This was clearly placed in a walking zone. I did have the desire to place a note inside the bottle to see if anyone would get it. Maybe if it’s still there next week, I’ll do that.
Christmas in September is new to me. #2, a dead Christmas tree. Okay, okay. I’ll stop the Dr. Seussing. This tree was in my neighborhood since last Christmas. It was in the alley for 8 months, then moved to the curb in the front. In affluent suburbia, they don’t pick up stuff like this unless it’s cut into perfect 3′ sections, weighing less than 30 pounds, then neatly tied together with biodegradable string. I don’t have a problem making it easy for the people picking it up, but I do think this is a bit overboard. As for the tree… I have no idea how it got decorated, but that’s funny! ;)
This is only one picture of mattresses thrown away. #3, queen size mattress. All of the mattresses seem to be that size. This one was in an apartment dumpster. The other ones were in business dumpsters, one being behind the pizza place by our house.
I can’t wait to see what I find this week…
Regarding the xmas tree…if they throw it out actually after xmas most cities will pick them up. 8 months later….not so much. Are you sure the tree wasn’t drinking the whiskey? Who knows maybe mourning the loss of his best buddy the xmas tree.
Why didn’t I think of that? Poor tree…