This is an exciting point, reaching 3/4 of a year in my no retail shopping challenge. It’s exciting because of the lifestyle change, not because I’m closer to being able to shop. I’ve been asked many times if I will go shopping on the day the challenge ends. Honestly, that would feel really weird. I will still apply the shopping principles that I’ve been using and also, using much more of a minimalist approach. If I do shop after this is over, it will be for necessities and things that have been well thought out. As a matter of fact, as a follow up to the challenge, I’ll probably blog everything I buy after it’s over. That way I can track the changes and we can all see the results.
Since I’m nearing the end of the challenge, I’m also thinking about what to do with my blog and all the information contained in it. That’s the real excitement! There’s some cool things coming out of all this. Stay tuned…