Tomorrow is TOMS “one day without shoes” event. An event to create an awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can have on a child in need. Yes, I’ll be barefoot tomorrow. So will my son Joe, who has school tomorrow. I’m thinking his elementary school is not going to allow him to stay barefoot for long though. Knowing I don’t have time to leave work and bring him shoes, he’ll have a pair in his backpack. At his age, he’s probably doing this more for the attention he’ll get for himself instead of the attention he could create for a world in need. But that’s okay. This is still a good learning process for him and I’m proud of him for doing it.
As for me, I get more comments about my shoes when they match as opposed to when they’re mismatched. I’m guessing I’ll get less inquiries about my bare feet than any other people would walking around with no shoes on their feet. So what is TOMS trying to accomplish with this? They’re doing great work through selling shoes and I’m sure they would like to sell more shoes. That’s not a bad thing though. When they are selling shoes, it’s good, because many children in need are also getting shoes. I support TOMS, maybe more than I should since I have 4 pairs. (One of those came from Freecycle)
I know this event is to create awareness and I also know that to do that effectively, one must communicate their cause in culturally relevant ways. I have to be honest here. I’m struggling a little bit with all of the advertising paraphernalia that accompanies this particular cause. I don’t want to wear the t-shirts, I don’t want to stencil this on the street and I don’t want to use the phone app. I’m not offended at all if people want to use these tools, but I want something a little different. I want to experience what it’s like to be without shoes. Better yet, I want to spend my day thinking about all of the things I take for granted. What is it like to be without? Without shoes? Without clean water? Without enough food? Without shelter? Without my iPad? Without my car? Without my ____________? There are pages of words I could use to fill in this blank. I’m ashamed to say it, but I take all of this for granted.
I sometimes stop to think about all of things I have and how incredibly blessed I am, but not often enough. So what am I hoping to accomplish by going one day without shoes?
Awareness & self-awareness. Yes, I’ll be creating awareness for kids that need shoes, but I want to learn from this at the same time. What do I take for granted? Yes, an intentional day of appreciating everything around me. From the biggest things like my friends and family to the littlest things like my hair clip, a cup of coffee or driving past the school crossing guard that goes out of her way to wave at every car that goes by with the biggest smile.
Shoes for kids. Yes, you can go out and buy a pair of TOMS. That does good and a child in need will get a pair of shoes as well. But for those of you who don’t like TOMS or don’t want to spend that much on a pair of shoes, I have another option for you. Buy a pair of shoes, boys or girls, in any kids size and I’ll get them to a child in need at the Casa Hogar Elim orphanage in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. They’re always needing shoes for the 100+ kids.
Understanding without. What is it like for people to be without just their basic necessities? I’m one of those odd people that doesn’t mind drinking tap water. It’s free. You get used to the taste, so much so that bottled water tastes funny. What would it be like not to have a faucet with decent water to drink? No, I’m not going to go without water, but I can stop and think about it. I have it and I want to appreciate it. I can also give to causes that support clean water in communities that need it. For me, understanding “without” gives me a greater appreciation for “with.”
Just for the record, I thought about getting a pedicure before doing this. Don’t judge me, you probably would have considered it too. I chose not to get one. It would kind of defeat the purpose, don’t you think? My annual pedicure will have to wait another month.
You might see me tomorrow without shoes or you might see me in the following days with shoes on my feet. Either way, I hope I’m more more grateful for my “withs” and more focused on helping people that are without.
I think when you describe it as an “annual pedicure” it is more about necessity than vanity :P
There’s no necessity in it. It’s a luxury. I can do the necessity part myself, and I do on the 364 days of the year. I’ll stick to my one a year though. :)