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One of my favoriet scriptures is James 4:17.

17 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.

I have so many ideas in my head, many of which are goodwill ideas.  I know I should be doing a lot of them, so prioritization is hugely important.  I found a great place to use my creative gifts in a unique way, or to reword that, my friend Amy threw me, yet, another challenge.  “Oh, this looks like something that’s right up your alley.”  Anything creative is right up my alley…

Here’s my new addiction. Here’s what it is, from their website.  “Zooppa is the global social network for creative talent. We are the world’s largest source of user-generated advertising, committed to the vision of real people and leading brands working together.” I am entering a few of the design contests, using humanitarian type ideas for the businesses participating.  Here’s one I turned in yesterday.  

**TARGET CUSTOMERS** All ages, people that want to do good and help the community.

**CONCEPT** Using wordplay of the word MEAL, changing it into MEALL or ME & ALL, this goodwill promotion would help feed people in need, focusing on the local community.

**IDEA DETAILS** The promotion would include buying a meal for yourself and Friday’s would either donate a sum of money (like $1) to a local food pantry, donate a non-perishable item per entree to a local food pantry or possibly cater a meal for a local homeless shelter.  Although the details can vary, the premise is that by eating at Fridays, they are helping their own community.  This idea is no extra shift-type work for the employees of the restaurant, other than the communication of the details.

This could be an ongoing promotion using specific entrees each month.  By making this an ongoing promotion, it encourages repeat business for people that like helping their community.

View it on Zooppa.

What do you think?  Is this something I should be doing?