Going once… going twice… SOLD! I went to the Samaritan Inn Gala last Saturday night. This is an annual event and is the biggest fundraiser of the year, providing the Samaritan Inn to thank people who have gone above and beyond them and their efforts to help the homelessness situation our community.
This was the black tie event I spoke of yesterday in my blog, ‘challenging the challenge‘. I don’t mind dressing up, as long as I can do it my way. I wore my full length, formal black dress, I put on a little bit of makeup and finished it off with my mismatched Converse-style shoes. Steve wore his designer ‘jodys’. Want some close-ups?
I have to say, we were both very comfortable walking around in our comfortable shoes versus uncomfortable in our dressy shoes. Well, honestly, I didn’t have a pair of dressy shoes to match this dress. At least Steve’s were the same color… I, on the other hand, got some interesting looks, as my dress was the perfect length to showcase my shoe choice. Okay, now that I’m done with the shoe rabbit trail, this post is about the fundraising auction.
Fundraising auction.
I have to say, I love this part. We walked around a huge ballroom filled with tables of services and things donated to benefit the Samaritan Inn. I bid on a bike 3 times before it went way out of my price range. It would have have been for a kid that used to live at SI so I’m a little bummed that I couldn’t get it. Maybe that’s best, as he’s 14 and the bike had Corona beer logos all over it.
Next I found some paint. I need some paint and I can’t buy any, so here’s the perfect opportunity to get some paint, and for a good cause. I was outbid again. I also bid on a painted guitar and a bottle of wine. I did get the wine.
Of all the interesting things available, this had to be one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. A stuffed dog toy engagement ring. Comes in its own fuzzy box with a large pinkish colored satin diamond in it. This takes chew toys to a whole new level. I’m not sure what the message is here. Your dog can propose to the dog down the street? The symbolism of your dog chewing up an engagement ring? I guess your dog could wear it around its neck? I’m just not quite sure how to process this one.
Bottom line: fundraising auctions are good. I participated and helped raise money for a good cause. Next year I’ll donate an art piece or my book to the auction. :)