Any other day of the year, no retailer would allow you to walk around their store with a camera around your neck, they would stop you and make you put it away. On black friday, that’s not the case. With the busyness and chaos of the thousands of shoppers, extremely long lines and merchandise everywhere, nobody stopped me. Here’s the black friday 2010 video to the tune of AC/DC’s Back in Black.
A few black friday observations:
- It’s controlled chaos. The retailers are creating it and they’re prepared for it.
- There’s a size relationship. The bigger the person, the bigger the packages. Oh, how some psycho therapist needs to analyze this.
- People like to get a deal. I’m not sure if they really want or need this stuff, but there seems to be an accomplishment once they’ve gotten a deal. If they researched a possible purchase during the year, they could probably find a similar savings. Is it really a deal if it’s cheap and not needed?
- Loss leaders. There are some deals that can’t be found throughout the year, but these loss leaders are only available to the first 3-5 people according to the ads. Not a bad deal, but I would do the cost analysis, time and effort versus cost savings.
- Warranties. Many of the big ticket loss leaders have very limited warranties. Before buying, you better make sure it works before you put it under the tree. Many items have 15 days warranties. They might as well just skip that altogether.
- 2 types of men. The ones that like electronics with a willingness to get up early and fight for it and the “my wife made me do this and I better get sex tonight” male drag-a-longs. I might start a line of t-shirts before next year.
- Sporting event. I’m pretty sure most women see this as some sort of sporting event. It’s a race for the best deals and to get all the shopping done at one time. Most of them are getting lots of practice time during the year, so it should be a good game.
There’s much more, but that’s the big stuff. Now, what to get my kids for Christmas without going shopping?
My favorite ad: “Gobble Palooza”!? What does that even mean? What is a gobble?Gobble: the characteristic sound made by a turkey. What is a turkey? Turkey: large gallinaceous bird with fan-shaped tail; a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; a person who does something thoughtless. What does the word “palooza” mean? It is defined as an exaggerated event. It is used to describe any similar large-scale event. Oh, now I get it, “gobble” up the deals on Black Friday! “gobble, gobble”
Nice job Jody! Landry was able to pick out the Lego store :)