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jody's blog

random thoughts, ideas and chaos
Lightbox Video

Lightbox Video

Proin ornare scelerisque tellus, at porttitor urna pharetra in. Quisque mattis nibh sed dui…

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Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth

Vestibulum malesuada neque nec hendrerit lobortis. Maecenas erat diam, fringilla…

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Empty House

Empty House

Etiam ipsum ligula, mollis eu vestibulum id, ornare vel nibh. Sed sollicitudin, arcu non…

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Late Stroll

Late Stroll

Vestibulum a quam nisl. Nam sagittis neque erat, sed egestas urna facilisis et.

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Integer ultrices turpis laoreet tellus venenatis, sed luctus libero gravida.

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what do you mean they stick to popcorn?

Yeah, I need to make a t-shirt out of that one!  So.  I had some friends over and we threw all these little promotional men thingies with sticky heads all over the house.  It was a blast!  When you throw them at the wall, they stick but eventually fall off.  So who...

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a Christmas story

Once upon a time, many, many years ago in Florida, a kind of weird chick had a white Christmas tree.  She thought one year that it would be a great idea to hang candy canes on the tree.  So off to the store she went to buy some candy canes. Now in those days, there...

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eHarmony or eHARMony?

Ok, so on the advice of my sister, I decided to fill out the personality test thing for free but not sign up for the service. So I did it. Got my personality profile. Interesting. So I'm now on the mailing list. Yeah. And there are some very interesting articles out...

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excessable gallery show

These are pics from my art show in 2006.  The show was called 'excessable'.  It about the excess in our society and the accessibility to a lot of stuff we don't need.  (iPhones are NOT included here!)  Some of the details: -All of the photographs are light painted....

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a friend-ly reminder

This is what happens when you have creative friends, a broken key on your PowerBook and a spare 5 minutes. So just messing around with Jerod's broken laptop... we thought, "Hey?! Wonder what the old keys would look like with the new lit PowerBook??" So it started. We...

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my art wall

This wall is my favorite wall. It's painted a nice Florida shade of pink. It's a wall in my art room and it's painted pink because I could paint it pink. I don't have anyone to tell me I can't paint it pink. It's a random wall, full of frames and pictures from floor...

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you simply can’t discontinue happiness

you simply can’t discontinue happiness

So me and my two creative bff's just returned from the Innovate conference at Grainger Community Church. We went to a breakout group on blogging. It was great!! It was lead by Kem Meyer and I've been dying to get home and start a blog! So while we're in...

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