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Christmas -4 days.

Christmas -4 days.

Christmas is done for the year.  We took our tree down, hauled it up to the attic and all the evidence of Christmas is gone, as if it never happened.  We each left an ornament out to remember the changes we want to make this Christmas and throughout the next year, but...
Christmas day.

Christmas day.

Here it is.  A recap of the 25 days of Christmas… in tweets.  All are 140 characters or less so copy, paste and share!  Merry Christmas.  Come back in January to see my next blogging subject.  It’s a good one. 25 days until Christmas…   SUPPORT...
1 day until Christmas…

1 day until Christmas…

I came home late from work last night and found a small package on my front porch. The package was not a surprise. I was expecting it and I knew what I would find inside. I picked up the vintage gray, mottled paper envelope off the ground and carried it inside. I had...
2 days until Christmas…

2 days until Christmas…

There’s not much time left until Christmas.  It will go by very quickly though.  Looking at the Facebook news feed, I get the distinct feeling people are ready for this to be over.  People are either extremely tired or they are frantically shopping.  Well, maybe...
3 days until Christmas…

3 days until Christmas…

Three days until Christmas really means only one more day to get all of my work done.  This year we have Christmas eve and Christmas eve, eve services.  Yikes!  Short blog today?  Probably not.  ;) Last night, someone found by blog with the search words ‘why do...
4 days until Christmas…

4 days until Christmas…

A friend of mine had a very interesting question for me yesterday.  He asked, “Would you still be blogging everyday if you were married?”  My reaction at that moment was yes, probably, but the process might look a little different.  I might just be...
7 days until Christmas…

7 days until Christmas…

I was sad yesterday afternoon as I watched the large group of people leaving for Mexico.  I so very much wanted to go with them.  They are bringing Christmas gifts to the children at Casa Hogar Elim, an annual thing started last year by Jeff Harrell.  We collect shoe...
8 days until Christmas…

8 days until Christmas…

I want to talk about ghosts, those scary, shadowy phantoms that haunt all of us.  The dictionary definition of a ghost is a dead person’s soul, imagined as a vague, shadowy figure.  My definition is a bit different.  Now maybe I watched too much Casper when I...
9 days until Christmas…

9 days until Christmas…

Tick.  Tick.  Tick. Only 9 days now. Tick.  Tick. Christmas will be here soon.  I have this gut feeling… I’m forgetting something.  What is it?  There’s no time to think about it. Tick. Time, our most valuable commodity.  Time, our best friend and...
10 days until Christmas…

10 days until Christmas…

Yesterday I was pondering my favorite Bible verse, Romans 12:2.  It’s so applicable to the Christmas consumerism and might just be another clue in finding the Christmas spirit.  Here is the verse in two popular translations. NIV – Don’t copy the...
11 days until Christmas…

11 days until Christmas…

I can’t believe it’s only eleven more days until Christmas.  There’s still so much to do before then, right?  Where is my Christmas to do list… wait.  I didn’t make one, nor do I really have many Christmas things to do.  Plenty of other...
12 days until Christmas…

12 days until Christmas…

I’m at the hospital this morning.  My friend Elizabeth is having her final surgery this morning.  E has been battling breast cancer, and is fully expected to beat it.  I’m at Medical City Hospital, and this is one crazy place.  The cute little old man at...
13 days until Christmas…

13 days until Christmas…

Bright and early yesterday morning, I got a glimpse into a new world, one I had not experienced before.  The new world?  Wrestling.  My son has been doing this for a couple of months now, but this was the first time I had the opportunity to take him to a tournament....
14 days until Christmas…

14 days until Christmas…

This morning, I have to sadly report that the Christmas season is getting busier and doesn’t show signs of slowing down.  My blog is named ’embrace chaos’, because I do just that.  I’m not good at relaxing, slowing down or experiencing any type...
15 days until Christmas…

15 days until Christmas…

I was listening to talk radio on my way to work yesterday.  It was so incredibly cold I didn’t want to let go of my warm coffee mug to steer the car, much less turn on the radio.  The news guy was reporting on the experiences of the fake mall Santas this year,...
16 days until Christmas…

16 days until Christmas…

As we were driving home last, I thought about our house being one of the few without Christmas lights.  I had every intention of putting lights up, but we still haven’t.  I have a few strands of lights on the garage, however it would look like I had a few random...
17 days until Christmas…

17 days until Christmas…

It was clear to me this morning at 5:30am what I needed to write about, a new and unexpected Christmas cheer.  Yesterday’s schedule was filled with ‘tinselectomy’ opportunities and I had an expectation of how each of them would play out.  I was so...
18 days until Christmas…

18 days until Christmas…

You know, when you look at the way we do Christmas these days, the commercialism, the chaos and the excess, it’s no wonder why at some point, we have to poke fun at the ridiculousness of it.  Here are some great pics of Christmas weirdness, fun and creativity....
19 days until Christmas…

19 days until Christmas…

I’m six days into writing, and pondering so many Christmas topics that have been on my mind, but more in my heart.  I spend far more time in cognitive contemplation, but rarely to I visit the affliction or spirit of my heart.  What is Christmas spirit and what...
20 days until Christmas…

20 days until Christmas…

I have to say, committing to write everyday until Christmas is taking a lot of time and energy, but I’m enjoying it. This blogging idea started out as a fun way to share my funny photo finds of crazy Christmas yard decor, but turned into more than that, I wanted...
21 days until Christmas…

21 days until Christmas…

Anyone following my blog knows that I have an offbeat sense of humor.  I enjoy being what one of my friends calls cantankerous, however, that’s not fitting for today.  Yesterday, I attended my cousin’s funeral. My cousin Jim and I got along well.  He and I...
22 days until Christmas…

22 days until Christmas…

God is awesome!  He arranged some ‘bonus’ family time.  I usually don’t have my boys on Thursdays, but he knew we needed some crazy, fun, out of the ordinary time together.  We ditched homework, house work and everything else we didn’t really...
23 days until Christmas…

23 days until Christmas…

This photograph, by far, disturbs me more than any of the others we took last Sunday.  Study it for a moment.  What do you see? The most obvious thing?  It’s inflatable, and the biggest ‘residential’ one I’ve ever seen.  I’m surprised the...
24 days until Christmas…

24 days until Christmas…

We put up our Christmas tree last night.  The good thing about it?  I didn’t get stuck in the attic this time, trying desperately to get the tree down.  I spent over an hour up there last year, no cell phone and nobody in the house to save me.  But the best...