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It’s 5 a.m. somewhere…

It’s 5 a.m. somewhere…

Can’t get started?  Intimidated by that blank sheet of paper?  In a trance looking at that blank screen?  Just write.  Free write.  Start writing and don’t stop for at least one full page.  If you have nothing in your head, write, “I have nothing in...
Mission accomplished in 50,287 words

Mission accomplished in 50,287 words

I challenged myself to write 50,000 words in the month of November.  Why?  Mostly to get myself back into a good habit of writing regularly.  I enjoy writing, however it doesn’t come easy to me.  I don’t consider myself a writer.  I like brainstorming and...

a not-so-edible mini challenge

My new mini-challenge… no fast food through the end of the year and no eating out for a month.  (one exception: my friend’s birthday dinner)  It pains me to see all of the paper waste from eating fast food.  Not doing the fast food thing through the end of...

the clothing experiment [mini-challenge]

I’m posting the 25 piece clothing challenge separate from the blog post, as I have a few people that want to participate already.  I’ll post the results monthly, along with the list of people participating.  Check it out. Take 25 pieces of clothing from...