Mar 28, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
I’ve been inspired to create an art series, or maybe this will be a new addition to my Excessable series. The extreme disposable excess in packaging baffles me. In some cases, I understand where they’re coming from, however that equates to about 10% of...
Mar 27, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge |
Honestly? The challenge isn’t so bed. Trying to blog it everyday? That’s the difficult part. I think I need to do my challenges, take notes, then blog about the lifestyle changes. OR, maybe I just don’t blog everyday. OR, I micro blog with...
Mar 26, 2013 | A better way, Light painting, No Disposable Items Challenge
I decided to bring my son’s pill bottle back to the pharmacy for a refill. I had the new prescription, but I certainly didn’t need a new container. I wasn’t sure what to expect. When I arrived, I stood in line, not only with the empty pill bottle,...
Mar 24, 2013 | A better way, Dumpster diving, No Disposable Items Challenge
You know, I can complicate anything. I didn’t have a blog post yesterday because I had written so much, I didn’t have the time to edit and organize it, much less find images for it. Today is simple. How much disposable stuff is imposed on us? Receipts?...
Mar 23, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
The purpose of doing a challenge is to stretch our thinking and to initiate lifestyle changes for good purposes. For that reason, I’m not too legalistic with my rules. The idea is to make good and logical choices. I have decided to make a small change in my...
Mar 22, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
I haven’t had much time to blog, but I have run into many crazy situations and learned a lot over the past few days. Here are a few random things. I’m reading the book 7: Mutiny Against Excess. (a) I should have written a book about all of my challenges...
Mar 19, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
On my recent road trip, I found so many interesting things to photograph. Most of the interesting things were vintage or antique. What’s the difference? My boss asked that question on Facebook a few months ago. Vintage is 7+ years old and antique is 50+...
Mar 16, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
I wonder when the fast food craze will end and the eco food will take over. What? It could happen. Doing this challenge during a road trip was, well, a trip. 2,777 miles in 8 days. I let my kids buy their own snacks and I didn’t make them participate in the...
Mar 15, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
We’re about to hit the road again. A challenge to use nothing disposable while travelling is really difficult. There just aren’t any options for eating on the road. Eating in the car would require prepackaged food, or having prepared things in advance....
Mar 14, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
As we’re driving back to the cabin in Somewhere Really Far North, Wisconsin, my son says, “Mom? This snowy landscape looks like hell to you doesn’t it? Most people think it’s hot, with flames. You see it as a cold place, don’t...
Mar 11, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
Being that I’m out in the country, in the middle of a snowstorm, there’s not much to report on disposable stuff. The real issues were encountered before we came to the cabin. A pain to others… Buying food. My sister took care of shopping before we took off to...
Mar 10, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
We reached destination #2 at midnight last night. My sister’s house in Wisconsin, where the snow is piled high. In a few minutes, we’re leaving for destination #3: my dad’s cabin in Somewhere, Wisconsin. I really have no idea where it is, so...
Mar 9, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
No time to blog today. Spending time with family, then on the road again this afternoon. I will post the adventures tomorrow. Here are a couple of photos… This could be our new car. I can’t believe there’s one that hasn’t been destroyed. A...
Mar 8, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
Observations of a mad woman trying to be environmentally responsible: I’m mad. Crazy mad and mad that simple alternatives are not even on the radar. Almond milk is good, but I’ll likely go back to my regular skim milk. I will make this on occasion...
Mar 7, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
Craptastic. I stole this word from my boss. It’s the word you use when nothing is going as planned and you have absolutely no control over it. I spent a good part of the day with slow internet, partial CMS and way too much to get done. The only visual way I...
Mar 5, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge |
I’m sitting here, drinking my almond milk latte, and thinking about yesterday. My latte tastes pretty good. No creaminess to it like my fat-free lattes, but it’s good. I like that it’s healthy, which I suppose, makes me a quasi hippie. Breakfast....
Mar 4, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge |
Before this challenge, I could say with complete confidence, that I would never be making my own almond milk. Homemade. From scratch. The only thing I cook from scratch is water. Yep, boiling water. And I’m good at it. I have to say, frustration set in...
Mar 3, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge |
Filters: You can say I don’t have a filter, but I have proof that I do. Yesterday, I bought a reusable HVAC filter. I’ve always heard these are a lot of work and they’re not as effective as disposable filters. For just under $50, I got an...
Mar 2, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge |
My goal today is to find a challenge-suitable cat litter. There’s not enough litter left in the cat box to even cover the bottom of it. I’ve spent the last hour and a half researching cat litter options. Here are my findings: Limited options for...
Mar 1, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge
I took my car in for the illuminated “check engine” light and a pre-road trip check up. This really has nothing to do with anything disposable, unless you consider a car a disposable item. If that’s the case, then everything is disposable, some of...
Feb 28, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge |
I woke up to the whistling sound of my return air duct singing, “Change me! Change me! I’ve sucked in as much dust and dirt as my little fibers can handle.” Yes, of course it’s a disposable filter. I know they make non-disposable filters,...
Feb 27, 2013 | A better way, No Disposable Items Challenge |
This has been on my mind for a while. I try my best every day not to use anything disposable, especially if there are other options or if I can do without. You might be asking, “What does that mean? Plastic forks? Napkins? Plastic bags? Toilet...