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gift bags [day 90]

A friend of mine sent me this on Facebook.  Reusable gift bags.  You don’t have to buy the grocery store or retail store logo bags, you can now get reusable bags with festive artwork!  If I read the tag correctly, these are made from recycled materials too.  As...

air, water & destructoboy [day 89]

Air So I realized yesterday that I need to replace the air filter on my air conditioning unit.  It’s about a month past due, and quite frankly, looks like a year past due.  My house is so dusty, I don’t have dust bunnies, I have dust elephants.  I found...

at the mall??!!? [day 88]

I went to the mall… yeah, but it was to eat lunch with a friend.  We ate at Potbelly’s, which is really good!  It made me happy because they recycle there.  I must have a thing for trash since we chose to sit next to the trash area… There’s...

solar panel dilemma [day 87]

I had a great idea!  Solar panels on my house.  They have some great tax incentives, and with the energy savings, that has to be a great plan, right? I called to get some pricing and to see if my home is a good candidate.  I wasn’t sure if it would be since I...

jody & jodie [day 86]

On our way to the campsite in Oklahoma, we passed this little store… I had to stop.  Her name is Jodie?  I have the boy spelling of the name, so I figured this had to be a woman.  Uncommon shoppe?  Yes, this is too ironic not to stop in and see what’s it...

paper vs. plastic paper [day 85]

Paper plates.  Can you call them that anymore?  Most of them are made from paper with plastic coatings, foam or plastic.  I choose not to use them most of the time, but going camping, I figured that’s not a bad idea.  I thought back to my girl scout days and...

speak your mind [day 84]

Just say it!!!!!! Okay, I probably speak my mind more than the average Joe(D), but that seems to work a whole lot better in keeping harmony at work and at home.  I used to feel like I had a piece of duct tape over my mouth, but when I speak the truth in love (which...

school supply update [day 83]

I was able to find a lot of supplies at thrift stores and I also pulled from the stuff we still have from last year.  Again, this was a lot of work.  I see why people just buy new stuff each year.  It’s easier.  It took several hours shop at resale places, find...

superstores… superhoards [day 79]

It pained me greatly, but I had to go to WalMart today.  Not for me, but for work.  There was no part of my being that wanted to go in there, but I had to get bringer cards printed, and they’re the cheapest.  Instead of waiting, I decided to drop them off and go...

what is it? [day 78]

You know, there’s just not a lot to blog on with the no shopping challenge.  So how is it going?  Really well.  I guess I don’t like to shop too much.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my days of too much shopping in the past, purchases heavily...

green & clean plan [day 77]

I guess you could call it shopping.  I shopped around for renewable energy plans and solar energy systems over the past two weeks.  Here’s what I found. My utility provider is Stream Energy.  My one year contract was up last month, so I decided to shop around....

biohazard bags [day 74]

Let me just say, if you are making a donation of any type of stuff, and you happen to have have a leftover stash of biohazard bags, please don’t place your donations in them.  I’m quite sure there are other uses for biohazard bags besides putting...

I wanted to shop [day 73]

Yes, I wanted to shop, but hear me out. I was packing to go to Casa Hogar Elim a few days ago, knowing our project was the teen girl’s dorm.  The Harrell’s organized the whole project and Hannah chose all the colors and decor for the dorm.  They sent me...

school supplies [day 72]

I found many supplies at the thrift store, but not everything I need yet.  It’s taking a really LONG time to try and find all of the stuff from last year, inventory it and see what we still need.  No wonder people don’t do this.  It’s much easier to...

off to mexico [day 70 & 71]

I’m so looking forward to my mission trip to Mexico in a few days.  I’m going to Casa Hoagr Elim again, and it’s always an amazing experience.  It got me thinking about my no shopping challenge. When I go shopping in Nuevo Laredo, it’s always...

vending machines [day 69]

I usually don’t allow my kids to use vending machines or candy machines.  25¢ for a piece of gum?  Let’s do the math.  For 89¢ I can get a 10 pack of these same gum balls, which is still a lot in my mind.  Anyway… I used a vending machine yesterday....

busy [day 67]

Just when I think I’m finally getting caught up… nope, not even close.  Even if I wanted to shop, there’s no time.  :(  Off to have a productive day… I hope.

energy [day 66]

I’m power cleaning my house and working all weekend, so not much time to even think about shopping… not that I would if I had time though.  It takes a lot of motivation and energy to clean the house.  Having less stuff does make it easier, as there’s...

light bulb! [day 65]

We went to see Despicable Me the other night and loved it.  My kids and I try to get one good line from every movie, and then we pretty much wear it out.  Our line from this movie is “light bulb”.  When Gru has an idea, he tilts his head, and with a...

humanitarian photographer [day 63 & 64]

I went to the Echo conference this week at Watermark Church.  (#echo10 on Twitter)  As I was looking at the list of speakers, I noticed many good ones, but one stood out to me. I’m not sure if it was her quirky photo or the words ‘humanitarian...