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sake with good luck and prosperity [day 31]

Tonight was date night.  :)  We went to Ra in Plano and had sushi.  The food there is great, endless options of raw and cooked delicacies.  We wanted sake and there were several kinds to choose from, but without cool names and fancy labels, how were we to choose one?...

books, books and more books [day 30]

I worked most of day 30, so there was no time to think about shopping, even if I had wanted to.  Day 31 was a little bit different. I had bags of clothing and toys from a few days ago when I cleaned out some of our closets.  I went to the thrift store to drop...

psych & impulses [day 29]

I really don’t have a desire to shop right now.  Almost a month, and I just really don’t miss it.  Not that I did it a lot, but I would make my regular visits to the major retail superstores and hardware stores.  An artist girl can never have too many...

$4.00 [days 26, 27 & 28]

Not too much to report over the last few days.  I’ve been working a lot, finished some books and spent a bit of time with my kids. We had some unexpected dental expenses this month and to keep my credit card at zero, I had to pay a little more than usual because...

sharing a hamburger [day 24]

Last night I went to II Brothers (also know as the ‘other brother’) with a large group of people.  We had so many people that we had to get a separate table for the kids.  Yep, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. My kids were on their own...

apple store & iStuff [day 21 & 22]

Today I had to go to the Apple store to make a return, for work.  I don’t mind so much visiting the Apple store, it’s having to walk through the mall that hurts me.  I had my kids with me and they immediately gravitated toward the iPads.  I went to the...

geography, kids & prayer [day 18]

After reading the book Radical (of which I have a love/hate relationship with), I wrote a review for   Although I struggled with the author’s communication style, it is a book worth reading.  I love his ideas and thought processes, but I don’t care for his...

the car wash [day 17]

I just couldn’t take it anymore.  My car was so messy and dirty!  Time to take it to the car wash.  Yes, I know what you’re thinking… “…isn’t that a retail place?”  I suppose it could be considered that, but hear me out, then...

free recycling [day 14]

I haven’t had any shopping challenges over the past few days, but I did figure out how to do some recycling at the church… for free.  Churches are considered a business and fall under the commercial recycling programs.  At my best estimation, for the...

toilet paper [day 12 & 13]

Not much to report for the last two days, as I’ve had to work.  I went grocery shopping and I did have to buy the propane refill for my grill.  Yep, nothing too exciting. I would love to share a Facebook post I had on my wall this morning though.  Thanks...

I rearranged my yard [day 10]

So I finally planted my Asian Jasmine (with my borrowed shovel) that I purchased before the challenge.  I had three empty containers, 2 in my backyard and 1 in the front, but the Asian Jasmine isn’t really made for container gardens.  It’s a ground cover...

borrowing & community redefined [day 8]

I put the “community” plan into action yesterday.  I borrowed a small hand shovel from my neighbor instead of buying one.  Now I can plan my Asian Jasmine (which I bought almost two weeks ago) and clean up my yard.  I do plan to buy a few vegetable plants...

too tired [day 5]

I really don’t have a post for the day, as I’m too tired after my trip to Mexico.   Too tired to even think about shopping.  I will have pics from the trip posted soon.  :)

mexico [day 3 & 4]

I’m leaving Mexico right now and what an incredible weekend.  Going to Casa Hogar Elim (and surrounding areas this time) is always incredible and I never want to leave.  Being there sheds a whole new light, well, maybe not new, but a recent light on the challenge. I...