Apr 8, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping
I love actsofsharing.com, where you can share all your stuff with your friends. I’ve been using this quite a bit and I think it’s great for many reasons, one of them being the organization of sharing. How many times have you gone to lend a book or a...
Apr 8, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping, Repurposed
While in the process of ridding my house of many unused things, I received a Facebook message about a garage sale. This is not just any garage sale, it’s a sale to help someone in need. Here’s the info from Facebook. We will be holding a HUGE Charity...
Apr 7, 2011 | No retail shopping |
I love pretty much any condiment, mustard, ketchup, sour cream, grape jelly, salsa… you name it. I’ve been referred to as the condiment queen. This is a problem to me in the world of fast food. There’s so much plastic and paper waste associated...
Apr 6, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping, Thrift store
I found myself at a thrift store about a week ago, one that I haven’t visited in a long time. I really didn’t need anything, but since I was on that side of town, I decided to check it out. In the past, any good must be purchased, but now I apply my new...
Apr 5, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping
When you own a lot of stuff, especially anything with electronic parts, you’re going to have some maintenance to do. Some will be planned, some will not. Here’s a few things I’ve been thinking about buying if I could. Car fuses. I blew a fuse in my...
Apr 4, 2011 | No retail shopping, Repurposed, Save $
I have really come to hate the taunting music played from the ice cream truck, getting louder as it gets closer to my house. As soon as I hear the fain sounds of it, I know what’s next. Mom!!!!! The ice cream truck!!!!!! My kids know I’m not a fan of...
Apr 3, 2011 | No retail shopping
I’m doing my post on the open road. No, I’m not driving, I’m a passenger. This is just a quick update on a couple of things, related blog posts soon to follow. Garage sale for good Yesterday, I donated some stuff to a fund raising garage sale. The...
Apr 2, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping, Save $ |
Deciding to get a pet of any kind is a big decision, not only for the responsibility associated with them, but for the expenses you will incur. A couple of weeks ago we adopted Zuri, a 6 month-old kitten. She’s precious and is the perfect fit for our family....
Mar 31, 2011 | No retail shopping, Read the fine print |
My youngest son came home with this a few weeks ago. I’m not sure why he decided to draw this, but I’m glad he gets it. Joe likes money and likes to spend money, but he also lives in the real world. He’s 10 years old and somewhat budgets his money,...
Mar 31, 2011 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping
I love exploring abandoned houses and buildings. A friend sent me a link to an article about “urban explorers” on howstuffworks.com. This explained my attraction to these old, and sometimes dangerous places. I learned a few things from this article, but...
Mar 30, 2011 | No retail shopping, Recycle, Repurposed |
I quit using plastic garbage bags, or any type of plastic lining in my trash cans. Why? I just don’t see why we need to place trash in plastic bags, taking much longer for it to decompose in a landfill. I thought back to my kids earlier diaper days and the...
Mar 28, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping, Thrift store |
It starts when we’re born. Accessories. “My daddy is the best” and “My mom is better than your mom” on our shirts, iconic pacifiers, hair bows in more styles and colors than Baskin Robbins has flavors, complete ensembles of coordinated...
Mar 28, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping, Save $, Thrift store
Buy one, purge one. I’ve been practicing my “buy one, purge one” philosophy and it’s going well. I was hoping to photograph all of the items, however that would take a lot of time. I am doing it though. I don’t shop near as much as I...
Mar 26, 2011 | Downsizing, No retail shopping, Save $
I’ve gotten a few questions on my new grocery shopping plan. I shop more frequently, but buying less, limiting myself to 25 items or less. You can read the story about the downsizing and new shopping plan that was published in early February 2011. Take a...
Mar 26, 2011 | Ideas, No retail shopping, Save $
Maybe I’m a mean mom, but I make my kids try new foods. I don’t make them eat it if they don’t like it and I don’t go out of my way to get things that will gross them out. Both of them like pistachio nuts so I thought I would make some...
Mar 25, 2011 | No retail shopping |
While in Austin last week, I went to a small coffee shop to get my morning latte. I snapped this photo while standing in line. I love iced cookies, but $3.65 for one cookie?! I can get a whole meal for that at Wendy’s. Sure, they’re hand decorated and...
Mar 24, 2011 | No retail shopping, Read the fine print, Recycle, Repurposed, Save $, Thrift store |
I decided to check out a little boutique in downtown Frisco. Yes, I said boutique. I heard a story about some recycled jeans they are selling and decided to check it out. The Blue Door Boutique, a cute little shop with a lot of style, carries a lot of interesting...
Mar 23, 2011 | No retail shopping, Read the fine print
Wow! Day 300! Actually, that was yesterday, as I’m a day behind on the blogging. It’s just a number, but I feel like I just made that last turn into the final stretch. The funny thing? I plan to keep going once I hit the finish line. I’m sure...
Mar 23, 2011 | No retail shopping, Sharing |
A long time ago, I had a friend a that used the saying, “You can’t get blood from a turnip, but you can take the turnip.” I never paid that much attention to it, as I really didn’t need a turnip. Fast forward many years and here we go with...
Mar 21, 2011 | No retail shopping
I have a lot to blog, I just have a mess of photos to edit, writing to organize and lots of work to do. I’m going to regroup a little bit today and tonight, basically regrouping my digital mess. I found this image on musicfordance.com and I thought it...
Mar 19, 2011 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping
One of our favorite cartoon shows is Catscratch. Every time they see it or think about it, they want a cat. My kids have been begging to get a pet. With our lifestyle, a dog just won’t work. My friend just adopted a kitten, which of course got them...
Mar 19, 2011 | No retail shopping
Since I’m moving toward the end of this challenge, I’ve been hearing a lot of questions. Time for a quick FAQ’s update. I’m going to write the answers to some of these questions in tweetable segments. Wow. I could never do no retail...
Mar 17, 2011 | No retail shopping
Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS shoes, was a keynote speaker this year at SXSW. Not only was it incredible to hear his story, but just to hear the magnitude of positive change his company has created in the world. Here’s the best part. Blake made this...
Mar 17, 2011 | Downsizing, Mini challenges, No retail shopping, Save $, Sharing |
We’re taught from little on that we should always share. As we get a little older, we have our own stuff, but we’re still told to share on occasion. Then we hit our teens. I don’t think anyone told me I should share anymore at that age. We start...
Mar 14, 2011 | Book reviews, No retail shopping
I met Guy Kawasaki yesterday at a book signing. Not only is he an extremely talented communicator and writer, he’s just a really nice person. Just look on Twitter, hashtag #guykawasaki, and you’ll see what I mean. Now I’ve been thinking,...