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I miss my lazy jelly [day 265]

We ran out of grape jelly a few days ago, and I quickly added that to our list to buy some more.  Now that I’ve changed my grocery shopping habits, I don’t have 23 jelly options, as it’s been narrowed down to about 3.  Missing from the new selection...

new york city?!?!!?? [day 264]

Just sharing a pic my friend sent from her trip to New York City over new year.  If you look closely enough, there’s furniture, pallets and bags upon bags of trash.  How do we generate so much trash?  And worse yet, how is this okay, having piles of trash around...

ditch your high maintenance vacation [day 262]

My kids and I decided to make a purchase a couple of years ago from craigslist.  It was a bright red Sebring convertible that we fondly called the “vacation”.  We couldn’t take a vacation that year, so this was our substitute for it.  It wasn’t...

theme your fire! [day 261]

It looks as though chimineas have become a seasonal item.  Now I really don’t understand why anyone would buy one of these, with the exception of someone like me, who likes to display holiday stuff on the wrong holidays.  Where do you store this giant, hollow...

the desire to get new stuff [day 260]

After having my house painted, and having everything moved, I was very careful with what I moved back into my space.  I rearranged a few things, but mostly, I purged a lot of stuff.  Unfortunately, because of the weather, it’s all sitting in my garage.  My new...

I bought something [day 259]

Yes, I made a purchase.  I think it was the right thing to do.  You tell me… I hired a painter to paint all of the trim, doors and baseboards in my house, along with a few other painting jobs.  He’s doing a great job, but having your house painted...

$9.99 for some little plastic sticks [day 258]

It would be easy for me to look at this and say, “I’m in the wrong business…”, but you can’t say that when you work for a church.  ;)  I took this photo of a package of Nintendo Rainbow Styluses at Game Stop a couple of weeks ago....

playing catch-up [day 254]

I’m 3 days behind on blogging.  Some may call them excuses, some may call them reasons.  Either way, here they are. Ice storm. Having my kids at home for 4 days…  I don’t think I need to explain that one further. Internet down. I had one day with no...

my carbon footprint [day 253]

So I still have quite a ways to go to meet the world target, but mine is substantially lower than the national average.  I decided to take this test a few months ago after speaking with the power company.  He was surprised at how low my kilowatt usage was for my size...

where is she? [day 251]

I still need to get rid of some of my clothing.  I downsized by 50% a few weeks ago, but there’s still a few more pieces I could part with.  I was thinking about the clothing again after a short trip I took recently. I went house hunting last Sunday, no, not to...

surrounded by plastic [day 247]

Today, just a small collection of odd photos.  These remind me of a joke told by Steven Wright a long time ago.  He says he owns two rare photos, one of Norman Rockwell beating a child and one of Whodini locking his keys in his car. Photo #1: Protecting the plastic...

downsizing my girlie stuff [day 242]

As I stated a few days ago, I’m behind on my 2-per-week goal of creating trashograms.  Although these are fun to make, I’m finding other opportunities that have much more impact in the trash society world.  I have a few trashograms to share, then some news...