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paint it… black? [day 187]

I’ve written a little tune to the 1966 Rolling Stones song “Paint It Black”.  This story started with me wanting to paint my front door… I see a blue door and I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black I hear the the...

BLACK FRIDAY: the video [day 185]

Any other day of the year, no retailer would allow you to walk around their store with a camera around your neck, they would stop you and make you put it away.  On black friday, that’s not the case.  With the busyness and chaos of the thousands of shoppers,...

black friday chaos [day 184]

I did it.  I got up and went out at 4am to shoot the black friday craziness.  Yes, that might make me crazy, but it was a blast people watching!  I didn’t buy a thing, I just walked around the stores.  I have lots of video, but no time to edit, as I have to work...

introducing [trashograms]

This is the half year art project… trashograms.  What is a trashogram? Trashograms: The process of scanograms and the trash society challenge, combined to create interest and look at ‘stuff’ in a different and fun way. I will be creating 2...

half way! [day 183]

Today maks the half way point for the no retail shopping challenge!  It’s hard to believe it’s been one half of a year already, but it also feels like I have a long way to go.  Today is Thanksgiving, and no, I did not plan for this day to fall on a...

happiness is… [day 181]

I had a conversation with a friend of mine over lunch today, and he’s trying to understand the ‘black friday’ thing as much as I am.  It made me think about a book I started to read recently called Absorbing Spongebob: Ten Ways to Squeeze More...

ready. set. action! [day 180]

I have to go shopping today.  It’s for work, so I can’t ditch my job to not shop.  I have to get paint, glitter and fabric for a stage set.  I’m not looking forward to going shopping, even though Home Depot has always been one of my favorites....

what day is this??!!? [day 177]

So today is day 179 and somehow I’m off on my days?  I knew I was one day behind in blogging, but it’s really 3?  I messed up somewhere, so I’ll get caught up today.  I should use a calendar sometime.  :) I don’t know when or why I made this...

life in the fast lane [day 174]

It’s definitely the holiday season, as life is very busy.  I haven’t even had time to blog today, I’ve been working and had to take my car in for repairs.  Here’s an image of what life feels like right now. Wait, I have no car right now and the...

get out of the trees [day 173]

My video is finally done and available!  Click here to watch it. :) This stop motion video project was created for a contest that AT&T is doing through  Here’s the concept, as posted on AT&T’s site. The AT&T Simplify Your Life video contest is...

your car is leaking [day 171]

Duh.  My car is 14 years old, of course it has some leaks.  I was refused an oil change yesterday because my car has a few leaks.  This is a first.  I’ve never had this happen before, so I asked about it. First, he said my car had several leaks, the oil pan, the...

sleep productivity [day 169]

I wish, just some of the time, that I could turn off my brain.  It’s full of active monkeys, as one of my friends said.  Another says I have crossed-wire mentality, that’s why I can be creative and artistic, but at the other end of the spectrum, do...

addiction? maybe… [day 168]

One of my favoriet scriptures is James 4:17. 17 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. I have so many ideas in my head, many of which are goodwill ideas.  I know I should be doing a lot of them, so prioritization is hugely important.  I...