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stuff(ing) [day 164]

I stumbled upon this photo while doing some research on recycling.  A design student created it, a plastic chair form and you stuff it with recycled, or in the case, reused stuff(ing).  According to the info given, he got a poor grade because the stuff(ing) would...

less is more [day 163]

This week has been crazy.  There’s been no time to shop, even if I had wanted to.  This next week, I will be working on a cool project, so I’ll be keeping the blog posts short.  Here’s a preview of the project.  Yes!  Of course it has to do with...

underwear dilemma [day 158]

I did run into a difficult no shopping dilemma.  My boys needed underwear and socks.  Not only are these impossible to find used, I’m not really into buying these used.  This is where I draw the line… Luckily their dad bought these basic necessities.  I...

I spy [day 156]

I’m working on a video and 2 fun photo shoots today.  Creative downtime!  In making the video, I’m using props I already have or borrowing from the neighbors.  I’m glad they still answer the door when I’m the one ringing the bell. Today, just a...

I was targeted [day 154]

I had to go to Target to allow my son to exchange a birthday gift he received.  I put it off for a few weeks, but I needed to get it done.  I had to pick up a few groceries, and Target is a place where I could get both things done. Of all the retail stores, I probably...

together we can [day 153]

My kids are entering an art contest, the theme is “together we can”.  The photos here aren’t their first photos, but it is their first experience with Photoshop.  Cole’s photos are about the food army, video and pics are on

time is money [day 148]

I’ve been too busy this week to even think about shopping, however one thing is clear. Time is money, money is time and it all flies out the window very quickly.

a new outfit [day 147]

I will be leading a breakout session today at ministryCOM, a church communications conference.   I like to dress comfortable, and I usually do without a second thought.  So why did I feel the need to try on everything in my closet today?  The cultural norm is to buy a... [day 146]

I think I’m a hoarder.  I hoard domain names.  I love to .communicate on the web! I own 25 domain names, 4 of them belong to my friends and 2 belong to my kids.  I get ideas for blogs and businesses all the time and the first thing I do is check for a domain...

bidding, not shopping [day 145]

Going once…  going twice…  SOLD! I went to the Samaritan Inn Gala last Saturday night.  This is an annual event and is the biggest fundraiser of the year, providing the Samaritan Inn to thank people who have gone above and beyond them and their efforts to...

“jodys”, my new line of shoes [day 142]

When I was image searching yesterday, I found this version of “Bobs”.  Now here’s a shoe that has a good reason to be called Bobs.  I wonder if Spongebob has a pair of these?  That would be no different than the CEO of Skechers, Robert Greenberg,...