Dec 5, 2011 | Abandoned places, Book reviews, Cultural chaos, Dumpster diving, One year of downsizing
I wasn’t going to do much blogging on holiday shopping, but people keep asking me what kind of stuff I’m buying for Christmas gifts or what are good gifts to give that give back to people in need? So here it is… my brain dump on Christmas shopping. Yes, I call it...
Jul 16, 2011 | Abandoned places, Cultural chaos, Just plain good |
18 hours in a car? Not a problem for us! Yeah, I would love to fly and get to my destination quickly, but I’m good with a road trip. There’s more adventure in driving. (Texas to northern Colorado) I don’t have photos of all the beautiful sights...
Mar 31, 2011 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping
I love exploring abandoned houses and buildings. A friend sent me a link to an article about “urban explorers” on This explained my attraction to these old, and sometimes dangerous places. I learned a few things from this article, but...
Mar 19, 2011 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping
One of our favorite cartoon shows is Catscratch. Every time they see it or think about it, they want a cat. My kids have been begging to get a pet. With our lifestyle, a dog just won’t work. My friend just adopted a kitten, which of course got them...
Mar 7, 2011 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping |
I have many happy places, as well as many non-happy places. I guess we all have those lists. Sitting in my hot tub, happy place. Going to the mall, not a happy place. Jumping on the trampoline, happy place. Driving in traffic, not a happy place. Going to the...
Feb 2, 2011 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping |
I still need to get rid of some of my clothing. I downsized by 50% a few weeks ago, but there’s still a few more pieces I could part with. I was thinking about the clothing again after a short trip I took recently. I went house hunting last Sunday, no, not to...
Dec 29, 2010 | Abandoned places, Flashback, No retail shopping
Honestly, some of these might be more than a year old, but they’re all the same, year after year… lots of stuff. Most of these were taken in abandoned places, houses, farms, buildings, vehicles, you name it. No matter where I go with my camera, I always...
Dec 23, 2010 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping
I just don’t have much to share on the shopping front. I’m just not doing it. Instead, I’ll share a few photos today. Abandoned… This house was abandoned in the 70’s, and interestingly enough, it looks as though they moved nothing out...
Nov 2, 2010 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping |
Zombies 101: Okay, this is for real. The University of Baltimore is offering a new class, a class on zombies. The class will study America’s fascination with zombie movies and pop culture. The class will watch 16 classic zombie films, read zombie comics and...
Oct 31, 2010 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping |
No, this is not random, just a collection of odd things we found yesterday…
Sep 18, 2010 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping |
Just thought I would share an interesting photo. Out in the middle of nowhere, dumped in a field, I found almost an entire house full of discarded furniture. I thought this was funny (in a not so humorous way) that a living room set up was thrown in one place. Sofa...
Aug 29, 2010 | Abandoned places, No retail shopping |
Sometimes we lock up our stuff in an effort to protect it from potential thieves. princeton, tx 2009 Some stuff is left out in the open, sitting there for years. princeton, tx 2009 Other times stuff is placed on the curb for trash, sometimes in hopes that someone will...
Jul 19, 2010 | Abandoned places, Ideas, No retail shopping |
This is a photo story from an abandoned house I visited yesterday. Yes, sadly, trash society includes houses. I do love to take photos in abandoned houses, as all of them have an untold story. It’s like reading a suspenseful book, but being right there in it....
Jul 4, 2010 | Abandoned places, Book reviews, No retail shopping, Thrift store |
Just to make things fun and chaotic, I’ll make this post from 2 non-sequential days. I visited this awesome little used bookstore. I would have photos to show, had I remembered to put the memory card in my camera. Luckily I didn’t take too many photos...