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I paid full price… twice

Yes, I paid full price.  Two times.  But it was planned. As I said early on in the no retail shopping challenge, I would love to have a pair of TOMS shoes.  I love what they’re doing and if I buy a pair of shoes, a child that is in need of shoes gets a pair....

…and what should break next?

On the last day of my no retail shopping challenge, I started my day as I do everyday.  I turn on my espresso machine so it will heat up to make my latte.  I got one latte out of it before it started constantly running, trying desperately to fill itself up with water,...

you can learn a lot from a dummy [day 358]

I get teased pretty often about my use of paper towels, or should I say lack of use?  Over the last year I might have used almost 4 or 5 rolls and 3 of them were in the first part of the year.  I don’t have any now.  When people come over to eat and I did have...

the value of your stuff [day 357]

One of my neighbors was talking about getting rid of some planters and clay pots that have been sitting on the side of her house for a while.  She said her husband was going to throw them out if nobody wanted them.  I have no idea if that meant the trash of the thrift...

air is not free [day 355]

So I did take a day off to pick up the camper and to play a little bit.  I have to ‘fess up.  I had to make a purchase.  There was no possible way around it.  I had to buy a tire and some air. Here’s the story. The camper had been sitting for 4 years,...

it might be new [day 349]

I’ve done over 5,000 transactions on eBay.  Not recently, and not all purchases either.  I had an eBay business from the late 90’s until about 5 years ago. I still shop on eBay and so do my kids.  I just had an interesting observation.  Many of the items I...

our happy place [day 347]

Happy post Mother’s day!  I took off of blogging yesterday to relax after work and take a nap on the trampoline.  It’s covered by trees, providing a beautiful shade cover… and lots of sharp branches to hit your head on while jumping.  The chainsaw is...

more stuff gone for good [day 344]

In efforts to continue the downsizing of my possessions, I had another opportunity yesterday to do something good with them.  I gave a bunch of stuff to Jason and Carrie for a yard sale, one that will help fund their mission trip to Uganda, Africa. I really thought...

earth day [day 331]

Yesterday was Earth Day.  I didn’t do anything different, as I try to be good to the earth everyday.  Earth Day (back then, a week) was a product of the late 60’s, born in 1970, as a political movement to create awareness for environmental issues.  In the...

extreme grill makeover [day 326]

I miss my grill.  A lot.  I’ve been researching grills.  A lot.  After careful research and deliberation, I narrowed it down to the modular Minden gas grill.  Simple, now all I have to do is find a used one.  Well, that was the plan anyway.  The grill is so new...