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BLACK FRIDAY: the video [day 185]

Any other day of the year, no retailer would allow you to walk around their store with a camera around your neck, they would stop you and make you put it away.  On black friday, that’s not the case.  With the busyness and chaos of the thousands of shoppers,...

black friday chaos [day 184]

I did it.  I got up and went out at 4am to shoot the black friday craziness.  Yes, that might make me crazy, but it was a blast people watching!  I didn’t buy a thing, I just walked around the stores.  I have lots of video, but no time to edit, as I have to work...

get out of the trees [day 173]

My video is finally done and available!  Click here to watch it. :) This stop motion video project was created for a contest that AT&T is doing through  Here’s the concept, as posted on AT&T’s site. The AT&T Simplify Your Life video contest is...

sleep productivity [day 169]

I wish, just some of the time, that I could turn off my brain.  It’s full of active monkeys, as one of my friends said.  Another says I have crossed-wire mentality, that’s why I can be creative and artistic, but at the other end of the spectrum, do...

stuff(ing) [day 164]

I stumbled upon this photo while doing some research on recycling.  A design student created it, a plastic chair form and you stuff it with recycled, or in the case, reused stuff(ing).  According to the info given, he got a poor grade because the stuff(ing) would...