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thrift store vs. retail [day 54]

I decided to go to the thrift store yesterday.  I was hoping to find some shoes and shorts for the boys.  I made them look for shorts individually, which did not go well until I forced them t do it together.  They found 3 pairs and I found a fourth so now I...

from a kid’s perspective [day 51]

Doing this challenge, my kids seem to have more money too.  Just yesterday, Cole paid Joe to clean his room.  You know, if his room gets clean and that’s how he wants to spend his money, I’m good with it.  Here’s what I found in Joe’s clean...

batteries needed [day 49]

My son, Cole, needed 2 AAA batteries for the remote control at the church.  With all of the equipment we have up there that require batteries, nothing requires that size.  After we had lunch, I told him I would stop at the store if he wanted to go in by himself and...

an island of green… bags [day 41]

I got to tour a private island yesterday.  The owners are really wonderful people and the island is absolutely beautiful.  After seeing the rocks, the landscape, the ocean views and the beach, if I had to guess at what I would see next, I would have not guessed in a...

an eyePEACE for free?

problem: $0 I want to use the video feature on my DSLR, but when it’s bright and I’m outside, I can’t see the screen on the back of the camera in order to change my manual focus. possible solution: $375 I can buy a Zacuto Z-find attachment for my...

books, books and more books [day 30]

I worked most of day 30, so there was no time to think about shopping, even if I had wanted to.  Day 31 was a little bit different. I had bags of clothing and toys from a few days ago when I cleaned out some of our closets.  I went to the thrift store to drop...

$4.00 [days 26, 27 & 28]

Not too much to report over the last few days.  I’ve been working a lot, finished some books and spent a bit of time with my kids. We had some unexpected dental expenses this month and to keep my credit card at zero, I had to pay a little more than usual because...

sharing a hamburger [day 24]

Last night I went to II Brothers (also know as the ‘other brother’) with a large group of people.  We had so many people that we had to get a separate table for the kids.  Yep, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. My kids were on their own...

apple store & iStuff [day 21 & 22]

Today I had to go to the Apple store to make a return, for work.  I don’t mind so much visiting the Apple store, it’s having to walk through the mall that hurts me.  I had my kids with me and they immediately gravitated toward the iPads.  I went to the...

the car wash [day 17]

I just couldn’t take it anymore.  My car was so messy and dirty!  Time to take it to the car wash.  Yes, I know what you’re thinking… “…isn’t that a retail place?”  I suppose it could be considered that, but hear me out, then...

free recycling [day 14]

I haven’t had any shopping challenges over the past few days, but I did figure out how to do some recycling at the church… for free.  Churches are considered a business and fall under the commercial recycling programs.  At my best estimation, for the...