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green & clean plan [day 77]

I guess you could call it shopping.  I shopped around for renewable energy plans and solar energy systems over the past two weeks.  Here’s what I found. My utility provider is Stream Energy.  My one year contract was up last month, so I decided to shop around....

biohazard bags [day 74]

Let me just say, if you are making a donation of any type of stuff, and you happen to have have a leftover stash of biohazard bags, please don’t place your donations in them.  I’m quite sure there are other uses for biohazard bags besides putting...

energy [day 66]

I’m power cleaning my house and working all weekend, so not much time to even think about shopping… not that I would if I had time though.  It takes a lot of motivation and energy to clean the house.  Having less stuff does make it easier, as there’s...