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black friday chaos [day 184]

I did it.  I got up and went out at 4am to shoot the black friday craziness.  Yes, that might make me crazy, but it was a blast people watching!  I didn’t buy a thing, I just walked around the stores.  I have lots of video, but no time to edit, as I have to work...

I was targeted [day 154]

I had to go to Target to allow my son to exchange a birthday gift he received.  I put it off for a few weeks, but I needed to get it done.  I had to pick up a few groceries, and Target is a place where I could get both things done. Of all the retail stores, I probably...

a new outfit [day 147]

I will be leading a breakout session today at ministryCOM, a church communications conference.   I like to dress comfortable, and I usually do without a second thought.  So why did I feel the need to try on everything in my closet today?  The cultural norm is to buy a... [day 146]

I think I’m a hoarder.  I hoard domain names.  I love to .communicate on the web! I own 25 domain names, 4 of them belong to my friends and 2 belong to my kids.  I get ideas for blogs and businesses all the time and the first thing I do is check for a domain...

inspiration boomerang [day 138]

My friend Becca, out in California, had a great blog post last week. She said my blog had inspired her and she’s planning to do Christmas a little differently this year… all handmade gifts.  Well she has inspired me back! Last...

I saved $53k in 20 minutes [day 137]

I’m all about shopping for the best rates on anything I have to pay for.  Electric, gas, water, pest control, phone, internet… all included.  I asked my financial advisor if I should refinance my house.  He said to look into it, as the percentage rates are...

waiting pays off [day 132]

I really like my house.  I’ve lived here for almost 4 years now and I’ve remodeled 95% of it myself.  The one downside about my house is the lack of windows, resulting in low light in most of the rooms.  On top of that, I have large trees outside blocking...

bad design [day 126]

Yes, I’m a fan of apple products.  In the graphics world, their products are far superior and much more dependable than PC’s.  With one exception.  Power cords.  My G4 Powerbook went to my kids after almost 5 years.  It still works great, and it was my...

stuff, stuff and more stuff [day 118]

I finally finished cleaning out my garage!  I still have tubs of stuff to go through, but at least I now have space to create art. Last Saturday I brought 2 carloads of stuff to the local thrift store, Frisco Resale.  Normally my routine is to drop off a load, then go...

what is that smell? [day 102]

Although most of my ideas are pretty good and most of them work well, occasionally I implement one that doesn’t work.  In my recent cooking efforts, I needed to steam some seafood.  I have awesome Le Creuset cookware, and a steamer insert, but I don’t have...

you can’t possibly eat all that!!! [day 97]

One of my favorite websites, and has been for many years, is  A collection of funny little cartoons that are way to close to reality.  My subject today?  Leftovers. For just about everyone, they either love them or hate them.  After spending...

what is it? [day 78]

You know, there’s just not a lot to blog on with the no shopping challenge.  So how is it going?  Really well.  I guess I don’t like to shop too much.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my days of too much shopping in the past, purchases heavily...

green & clean plan [day 77]

I guess you could call it shopping.  I shopped around for renewable energy plans and solar energy systems over the past two weeks.  Here’s what I found. My utility provider is Stream Energy.  My one year contract was up last month, so I decided to shop around....

vending machines [day 69]

I usually don’t allow my kids to use vending machines or candy machines.  25¢ for a piece of gum?  Let’s do the math.  For 89¢ I can get a 10 pack of these same gum balls, which is still a lot in my mind.  Anyway… I used a vending machine yesterday....

energy [day 66]

I’m power cleaning my house and working all weekend, so not much time to even think about shopping… not that I would if I had time though.  It takes a lot of motivation and energy to clean the house.  Having less stuff does make it easier, as there’s...