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do you grow your own food? [day 59]

I have a small contain spice garden in my very small backyard.  I had every intention of making a garden this year, but I ran out of time, money and space.  Time, I could make time if I really wanted to.  Money?  Probably would have paid for itself many times over....

batteries needed [day 49]

My son, Cole, needed 2 AAA batteries for the remote control at the church.  With all of the equipment we have up there that require batteries, nothing requires that size.  After we had lunch, I told him I would stop at the store if he wanted to go in by himself and...

an eyePEACE for free?

problem: $0 I want to use the video feature on my DSLR, but when it’s bright and I’m outside, I can’t see the screen on the back of the camera in order to change my manual focus. possible solution: $375 I can buy a Zacuto Z-find attachment for my...

$4.00 [days 26, 27 & 28]

Not too much to report over the last few days.  I’ve been working a lot, finished some books and spent a bit of time with my kids. We had some unexpected dental expenses this month and to keep my credit card at zero, I had to pay a little more than usual because...

sharing a hamburger [day 24]

Last night I went to II Brothers (also know as the ‘other brother’) with a large group of people.  We had so many people that we had to get a separate table for the kids.  Yep, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. My kids were on their own...

apple store & iStuff [day 21 & 22]

Today I had to go to the Apple store to make a return, for work.  I don’t mind so much visiting the Apple store, it’s having to walk through the mall that hurts me.  I had my kids with me and they immediately gravitated toward the iPads.  I went to the...

the car wash [day 17]

I just couldn’t take it anymore.  My car was so messy and dirty!  Time to take it to the car wash.  Yes, I know what you’re thinking… “…isn’t that a retail place?”  I suppose it could be considered that, but hear me out, then...

questions about the challenge.

I had some questions posted on my blog from my friends about the details of the challenge.  I’m going to attempt to answer them, although I’m not sure I’ve thought of everything, you know, like the batteries.  (day 2) The plan: The plan is to not buy anything new,...

I love potato chips.

Do you love potato chips?  What do you do with the crumb in the bottom of the bag?  Instead of throwing them away, save them in a container to use as an alternative to bread crumbs in your next recipe.  I use them for a much more tasty and creative meatloaf.  :)  And...

toilet paper…

Squeeze your rolls of toilet paper to make the cardboard insert flat.  This will keep people from using too much and keep your kids from rolling it out all over the place.

give a gift

Giving a gift?  Instead of wrapping paper, why not use a green bag?  It’s $1 and can be reused over and over again.  The average gift wrap/bag cost about $3.  If you give 20 gifts a year, you will save $40 and save more of the planet.

is it coffee or an investment?

Anyone that knows me well, knows that I cannot live without my latte machine.  It’s a Pasquini machine, basically a smaller version of the ones in the trendy coffee shops. This is a pricey machine, but after doing a cost analysis on how much I was spending at...