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it might be new [day 349]

I’ve done over 5,000 transactions on eBay.  Not recently, and not all purchases either.  I had an eBay business from the late 90’s until about 5 years ago. I still shop on eBay and so do my kids.  I just had an interesting observation.  Many of the items I...

you can take the turnip [day 299]

A long time ago, I had a friend a that used the saying, “You can’t get blood from a turnip, but you can take the turnip.”  I never paid that much attention to it, as I really didn’t need a turnip.  Fast forward many years and here we go with...

the new sharing economy [day 291]

Do you share your stuff?  If you need a drill, do you go out and buy one or do you try to borrow one?  I mean, you just need a hole, right?  I own a drill.  My dad gave me a new DeWalt drill about 10 years ago, but that one got lost on a mission trip.  I never found...