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rethinking good 5,723 times

My friend Lin called me a few days ago and asked me a simple question. “I have a few coats I want to donate.  Do you know a good place where they can maybe help someone in need?  Maybe a homeless shelter?” Well, if you’ve ever met Lin, she’s my...

dear fast food places, I miss you

For the first time in several months, I missed fast food.  I was craving a Wendy’s chicken sandwich and fries.  I was craving the food itself much more than the convenience of it, however that would be nice sometimes.  My anti-fast food thing is more about the...

young man! you will eat every bit of that candy!!

Yes, I said candy.  If I ever needed to question how much I dislike wastefulness, this would be the telltale answer.  A few months ago, my youngest asked if he could get some Jelly Bellies at the grocery store.  I agreed after glancing at the rack filled with small...

it’s hotter than… [daily good photo]

116°?!!??  I really have no idea how hot hell is, but I’m pretty sure we have to be close.  So how is this good?  I find a lot of good in this crazy hot weather.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m tired of it since it’s been over 100° for over a month...

…and what should break next?

On the last day of my no retail shopping challenge, I started my day as I do everyday.  I turn on my espresso machine so it will heat up to make my latte.  I got one latte out of it before it started constantly running, trying desperately to fill itself up with water,...

t minus 20 [day 345]

Twenty days left in the challenge.  I’m going to answer this question again, as I hear it 3 or 4 times a day now. “When it’s over, are you going to go shopping?” The answer is no.  Honestly, the only thing I was going to buy is a 7.5 amp fuse...

life without fear [day 341]

I’m pretty sure when God handed out our humanly traits, he did so in alphabetical order.  Clearly I received my ADHD first, because something distracted me from a few of the other lines like crying and fear.  I was probably off looking for abandoned clouds or...