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the great pumpkin

They say the older women get, the bigger their underwear get.  I’m not sure who ‘they’ is, but I’m quite sure ‘they’ spent too much time at grandma’s house or looking at the Sears catalog. So what’s my obsession with...

a Christmas story

Once upon a time, many, many years ago in Florida, a kind of weird chick had a white Christmas tree.  She thought one year that it would be a great idea to hang candy canes on the tree.  So off to the store she went to buy some candy canes. Now in those days, there...

eHarmony or eHARMony?

Ok, so on the advice of my sister, I decided to fill out the personality test thing for free but not sign up for the service. So I did it. Got my personality profile. Interesting. So I’m now on the mailing list. Yeah. And there are some very interesting articles...
you simply can’t discontinue happiness

you simply can’t discontinue happiness

So me and my two creative bff’s just returned from the Innovate conference at Grainger Community Church. We went to a breakout group on blogging. It was great!! It was lead by Kem Meyer and I’ve been dying to get home and start a blog! So...