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Please don’t play Pacman with me

Please don’t play Pacman with me

It’s been almost seven weeks since I was hit by a car on my road bike, and ironically, one day after writing a blog post about riding safely during COVID-19. I was following all road cycling laws and safety rules, but unfortunately that wasn’t enough. With...

rethink homelessness

Let me start by saying I’ve never been homeless.  Rethinking homelessness for me is knowing there are people in really tough situations without a home, and knowing I’m a few paychecks away from the same thing.  I’m a middle-aged single mom, living in a nice suburban...

…and what should break next?

On the last day of my no retail shopping challenge, I started my day as I do everyday.  I turn on my espresso machine so it will heat up to make my latte.  I got one latte out of it before it started constantly running, trying desperately to fill itself up with water,...

While you were sleeping…

Coconut Grove is a popular nightspot in Miami, especially on a Saturday night.  This is going to be a great evening I thought as I was driving home from work.  I knew I would be driving, the Diet Coke plan would be best tonight.  Finally, tonight was my first night...

eHarmony or eHARMony?

Ok, so on the advice of my sister, I decided to fill out the personality test thing for free but not sign up for the service. So I did it. Got my personality profile. Interesting. So I’m now on the mailing list. Yeah. And there are some very interesting articles...