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Christmas is right around the corner…

So I’ve been thinking about last Christmas and my blogging the 25 days of Christmas.   If you’re not familiar with it, here’s a link to the book I made from the blog entries, which are on this blog.  I’m already blogging everyday for a year on...

"jodys", my new line of shoes

For reference on this post, see the original post on about Toms vs. Bobs. When I was image searching yesterday, I found this version of “Bobs”.  Now here’s a shoe that has a good reason to be called Bobs.  I wonder if Spongebob has a...

bye-bye dreads [day 7]

I planned on keeping my dreads throughout my Mexico trip, however plans change.  My first night at CHE was the end, as I was unsuccessful in dodging water balloons.  At first, the water rolled off my hair, but then it started coming apart.  I have to say, it was well...

dreads [day 6]

No pics today.  I can’t believe I haven’t washed my hair in 10 days??!?!  Double digits… I’m going to keep the dreads in while in Mexico.  They are nice a cool, even when they’re not pulled back.  Google translator doesn’t have a...

dreads [day 4 & 5]

Yes, it’s been a while since I washed my hair.  This might be the longest I’ve ever gone.  9th day?  Yikes!  That seems to be freaking out a lot of people.  It did start to get a little itchy today.  Natural oils… the best conditioner, right?  ;) I...

dreads [day 3]

Ugly pic here, but I’m at the library working and I don’t want to ask the guy across from my to take my photo.  So instead I used photobooth on my Mac. I’m still loving the dreads.  They have not come undone at all, even after sleeping in them,...

dreads [day 2]

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone touched my dreads.  ;)  I’m still loving them!  Today I have a ponytail with my three fabric strips tied around my head.  Very comfortable, not tight like I thought they might be. Yesterday, I went to Gloria’s...

dreadlocks [day 1]

Totally loving them! It’s nice to have something fun and different, without the commitment of having to cut them out when I’m tired of them.  I plan to keep them for a week or so.  I slept with them pulled into a loose ponytail on top of my head.  I think...

dreadlocks [temporary]

Okay, they’re temporary dreads, as I have commitment issues.  LOL  Here they are!  46 of them, took about 1.5 hours.  Steve rocks!  My hair started at 4 days unwashed.  Yeah, I know, some people can do that, others, not so much.  I can go a week and nobody would...

Screenshots from Photoshop addicts

Thanks for everyone that came to the class last night!  Here’s the screen shots I took: These were from adding textures, lighting a bulb without electricity and sunshine coloring. Here are most of my photos on flickr if you need ideas or want to see some of the...


We had our photo light painting safari last night and it was AWESOME!  One of the photos I took reminded me of one of my favorite photographers, Gregory Crewdson.  Here’s my photo: Here’s one of Gregory’s that is a bit similar: Here’s my...

photography / photoshop class – July 16th

photography / photoshop class Location: PTCC Friday, July 16th, 5:30-7:30pm **ADMISSION** Bring some non-perishable food items for donation to the food pantry. :) I’ve had many questions about photography and cameras, so here’s your chance to learn a...

using photoshop graphics in premiere

httpv:// I made my first video with a Nikon D5000 DSLR.  My friend (and video genius) Jerod has been giving me pointers, and over the years of working with him, I have learned much.  He talks about using Photoshop graphics in his...

waffle iron hitchhiking?

This is my first video, footage taken with my DSLR (Nikon D5000) and edited with Premiere CS5.  I still have a lot to learn, but I sure had fun making it.  And thanks to Elizabeth and Steph for putting up with me!   httpv://

Trolls & Truth [book review]

Paperback: 215 pages Publisher: New Hope Publishers – Impact (August 17, 2006) Amazon link: ISBN-10: 1596690100 This is an book review I did on June 5th, 2010. I’m not sure...

radical [book review]

Paperback: 240 pages Publisher: Multnomah Books; 1 edition (May 4, 2010) Amazon: ISBN-10: 1601422210 review from June 14, 2010 Although I really like much of the content in this book,...

the future of shopping… really?

Take a look at this video:  The Future of Shopping. If this is the future of shopping in America, it’s another ring in the downward spiral of our financial culture and a step toward another depression era.  Thoughts? If we must do this, and it does look a little...

ministryCOM 2010

Info on my breakout session: Social media: the cyber-reality Social media is a reality and necessary for business and churches alike, but one size does not fit all.  In this breakout session: How to get started Your strategy Maintaining your conversations Tips &...

tinselectomy story

I’ve always tried to teach my kids about the importance of giving to others. I started this process when they were very young. I used to tell them that they had a lot of toys and would encourage them to give some away to the thrift store. I would tell them how...

Less Clutter. Less Noise. [book review]

Less Clutter.  Less Noise.  by Kem Meyer Publish date: March 26, 2009 ISBN:0979589959 About the book: Simple Strategies for Getting the Word Out Do you ever wonder why people today aren’t getting your message? Maybe you can relate to how they...

a portrait of society

I have several friends that are job hunting right now, searching for an opportunity in this non opportunistic economy.  Although I’ve been very blessed by having not only having a job, but one that I love, I still feel the stress.  Stress for them and their...

photos from farmersville…

I usually post my photos on once I get them edited.  (yes, I’m a Photoshop junkie)  I can’t figure out how to use the web links in here, but here’s the address to copy and paste: Here’s some action pics of the people that went: The...

photo safari prep…

Okay, Elizabeth came up with the name for this.  I love it!  Photo safari is a good description of what we do. Here’s a few tips on preparing for your safari: Dress comforably.  Hours of shooting could be difficult in nice clothing.  Wear something you can rip...

fear of what?

It’s dirty.  You are told to wash your hands after touching it. Everyone wants it.  A lot of it. It comes in many forms: paper, metal, plastic and air. It’s illegal to put this in your ears in Hawaii. It carries the message that we trust in God, sadly...