While in Austin last week, I went to a small coffee shop to get my morning latte. I snapped this photo while standing in line. I love iced cookies, but $3.65 for one cookie?! I can get a whole meal for that at Wendy’s. Sure, they’re hand decorated and look pretty, but if I buy it, it will be gone. Would the non-hand decorated ones be cheaper? They had a broken one on a small plate next to the register each morning, and each morning I had a small piece. They were good, but I still can’t see paying that amount of money for it.
And let’s talk about the cookies next to the Easter cookies. At first glance, I thought they were thong underwear cookies. One of my friends said they look like a woman’s reproductive system. They could also be skinny ghosts, birds or Texas longhorns. Imagination cookies. Good thing they didn’t add embellishments.
and how much was your latte? Waste of money in my opinion as well.
Ridiculous as well, but I don’t have a travel machine anymore. I never claimed to be perfect, and as you said in an earlier comment, “It’s all perspective I guess. … Like most of your “Challenge” it’s all personal perspective. Where does comfortable end and excess begin?” A latte, or 3 of them so far this year doesn’t seem too excessive. ;)
I make these cookies (mine are better) I think this is Russells’. It certainly is worth the cost. Maybe I should mail you one of mine. : ) I would only charge you $3/cookies.
It was Russell’s. They tasted good, but I just can’t justify the cost. And you can always mail me cookies!! ;) Send me some pics! Thanks for your feedback.