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While in Austin last week, I went to a small coffee shop to get my morning latte.  I snapped this photo while standing in line.  I love iced cookies, but $3.65 for one cookie?!  I can get a whole meal for that at Wendy’s.  Sure, they’re hand decorated and look pretty, but if I buy it, it will be gone.  Would the non-hand decorated ones be cheaper?  They had a broken one on a small plate next to the register each morning, and each morning I had a small piece.  They were good, but I still can’t see paying that amount of money for it.

And let’s talk about the cookies next to the Easter cookies.  At first glance, I thought they were thong underwear cookies.  One of my friends said they look like a woman’s reproductive system.  They could also be skinny ghosts, birds or Texas longhorns.  Imagination cookies.  Good thing they didn’t add embellishments.