My youngest son came home with this a few weeks ago.
I’m not sure why he decided to draw this, but I’m glad he gets it. Joe likes money and likes to spend money, but he also lives in the real world. He’s 10 years old and somewhat budgets his money, that is, enough budgeting to get what he wants to buy. He talks about buying stuff all the time, but he’s selective when it comes to actually making a purchase.
My oldest talked about an idea he had for an environmentally friendly missile. While we were sitting in our think tank (hot tub), Cole spent almost 15 minutes telling me about his missile design. It’s a missile that puts out an environmentally friendly gas that temporarily paralyzes people, allowing the police to ‘go in’ and get the bad guys, place them in prisons, and when the gas wears off, nobody is harmed in the process. Here’s the blueprints.
Here’s the best part. Yesterday, he did a cost analysis and figured out was his profit margin will be. ??!!??! How does he know how to do this? He’s eleven years old. I’ve talked about cost analysis stuff, but I’ve never shown him the process on paper. Take a look.
Not only did he think of the labor costs, but when Joe talked to him about advertising, he adjusted the analysis accordingly. I’m guessing Joe’s ad plan for him was to advertise during the Super Bowl. If my two radically different kids partner together in the future, using their gifts to collaborate for good, they’ll do great things. Yes, I’m the proud parent today. :)
That is such greatness and you should be proud! Wow!!
Very, very cool. :)