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tissues tonyatissue paper bird blackI’m working on props for another light table live art piece.  I need to make some birds that I can move across the light table to pick up seeds.  I saw this photo in my friend Tonya’s Instagram feed, and it immediately inspired my tissue paper black birds!  Yes, I know… some people see used Kleenex, I see art.

The birds came out great.  The movement on the table is not quite there yet.  They pick up the seeds okay, but the movement is jerky and unnatural.  I have until Sunday to get that fixed! 

I really like the texture of these birds.  I took a few test photos by taping them one a window with iridescent, transparent wrapping paper behind it.  Then, I played.  Photo mashups…

black bird mashup

faded bird mashup tye dye

The video of the light table art.  It starts at 16:38.