For the first time in several months, I missed fast food. I was craving a Wendy’s chicken sandwich and fries. I was craving the food itself much more than the convenience of it, however that would be nice sometimes. My anti-fast food thing is more about the paper waste. I think we need to become less wasteful in our ways and this is my contribution to that. It did make me think though…
- What if I brought my own packaging? Yes, this would be weird, but I wonder if the fast food places would use the things I brought? They have strict rules to follow, not only corporate rules, but health department rules. This might just be my next mini-challenge.
- What if fast food places provided non-disposable options? They would need more labor costs for washing dishes, but would save on paper supplies.
- Is recycling enough? No. Most of these places don’t recycle, although they say their stuff can be recycled. ??!!? Look at us!! We’re being green because this is biodegradable! Great. Huge landfills with lots of stuff that will still take many years to disintegrate.
Just a few thoughts. Fast food is not evil. Without my challenge, I might partake once or twice a month. Every time I have, I feel terrible that I’m supporting something I don’t believe in.
Dear fast food places,
Please put those top CEO’s to work on coming up with some non-wasteful ways for you to do your business. Our entire world will benefit from it, and you will too.
Sincerely, A person that missed your food
So first it’s Styrofoam and now they shouldn’t use paper? How ’bout they just throw it on your windshield?
As long as I clean it first… :)