[item] Dell desktop computer, dual processors
[purchase info] Purchased from Dell brand new, custom built, $4,000
[time in my possession] Approximately 10 years
[last used] 1.5 years ago
[difficulty level in getting rid of it] Medium
[destination] Recycle
[info] I bought this 10 years ago from Dell, and it was the biggest and baddest at the time. It’s before dual processors were the standard. I got a good 5 years out of it for my freelance business. It’s had many issues, crashes a lot and won’t run anything current. It costs more to upgrade these than it’s worth. My only hesitation is getting rid of it was wipping the harddrives, as they had lots of personal files and info. A pickaxe took care of that. :) Bye, bye old Dell computer. Rest in peace at the electronics recycling center.