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You know, I can complicate anything.  I didn’t have a blog post yesterday because I had written so much, I didn’t have the time to edit and organize it, much less find images for it.  Today is simple.  How much disposable stuff is imposed on us?  Receipts?  Flyers?  Napkins?  Bags?  Packaging?  Junk mail?  Magazines?  There’s a lot, although many retailers are now asking, “Would you like a receipt?” or “Would you like a bag?”  YES!  They get it. Besides pitching it in the recycling bin, what do you do with all of the paper junk?  Use it as art supplies.  If you’re into collage art, this is free stuff people! 

Where’s my decoder ring for this receipt?  I hope this isn’t a special code with my credit card number!

Messed Up Receipt Secret Code

Made from magazine pages.

Shopping Chaos

A 1950’s hair coloring book I pulled out of a dumpster.  I’m using it for the background for 2 art canvases that will go in a salon.

Vintage Hair Coloring Book Pulled out of a Dumpster

My nephew and I made this out of a paper bag.

Please Recycle This Paper Bag