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Totally loving them! It’s nice to have something fun and different, without the commitment of having to cut them out when I’m tired of them.  I plan to keep them for a week or so.  I slept with them pulled into a loose ponytail on top of my head.  I think they look better after sleeping on them for a night.  They’re a little looser and look more like real dreads, just a little thinner.

Reactions from people I know…

“I have to live with them for a while before I can decide how I feel about them.”

“Oh, that just rocks.” 

“I dig it.  Glad to be dread-spiration. ;)”  (from Rhyanna, my inspiration) 

“Oh my gosh. I think you’re the first in the family to have this, but it so suits you. What do the boys say?”  (My kids have not seen them yet)

“That is so you Jody!!! I am just surprised you were able to sit still that long to get it done!!!”

“You should make it permanent. Its a good look for you.”

“Cooollll doo. Miss Jamaica Island girl 2010 :-)”

“Make each dread a different color…NOW we’re talking.”

“you got dreadlocks?!?!?!?!?!”

“i wanted dread locks when i was in high school…i didnt know there were temp ones i would’ve totally done that…that’s awesome :)”

Over lunch today, I was saying how awesome it is that I work in such a great environment where self-expression is allowed.  More tomorrow.  :)