I dropped off several bags at the Goodwill trailer, and the only logical exit is to drive behind the shopping center. It’s a strip mall with a grocery store, a couple of restaurants and lots of small mom and pop type stores. As we were driving around back to head home, I saw a bunch of clothes thrown in front of a dumpster. I’m really not sure why the person that threw them out there didn’t place them in the dumpster, but I decided before I eve got out of the car that these needed to be used, not end up in a landfill.
Now don’t get me wrong, had any of these been my size or anything I needed, I would have taken them. I guess instead of dumpster diving, we could call this dumpster surfing. My son who was with me was not all that impressed that we were going to pick these up and take them back to the Goodwill trailer. He reluctantly helped me load them in the car. It didn’t take long, and the clothes were all in good condition. At least they won’t be in a landfill.
I’m guessing these were rejects from the Plato’s Closet store in the strip mall. Anyway, they found a good place. Surfing is good.