Wow! I’ve had lots of questions about how to order my self-published book. If you would like to order one, please go to, or shoot me an email that you want one, as I have ordered some extras. Here’s the book info:
ISBN: yeah, not so much. Self published and I’m not famous… yet.
Price: $26.95 + shipping. From me, $26.00 and I’ll pay for the shipping. **All book proceeds go to Casa Hogar Elim**
Softcover: 120 full color pages (like I would ever do black and white)
Language: English, I think.
Book Dimensions: Square, I like squares, 7″ x 7″
Thanks to all of my friends for your encouragement on this crazy little blog project. It has inspired me to follow my four year old dream of writing a book, to hopefully get published by someone other than me. The research begins NOW and you can check out the details at or become a fan on Facebook at