When you own a lot of stuff, especially anything with electronic parts, you’re going to have some maintenance to do. Some will be planned, some will not. Here’s a few things I’ve been thinking about buying if I could.
Car fuses.
I blew a fuse in my car. It’s the fuse to the interior dome lights, but worse than that, it’s also the fuse to my garage door opener. I don’t have any extra fuses so I’m living without these things. It’s not so bad, as it’s teaching me to appreciate the small things in life. I’ve never appreciated that machine that opens my garage door. Now I use the back door instead of the garage door. It’s less electricity, and the only time it’s a real hassle is if it’s raining or we’re bringing home groceries.
A water filter.
I would buy a water filter for my Softub. Although yesterday, I moved the tub into its new location on the patio and now the GFCI plug isn’t working. Gor $75 I can buy a new one, however the Softub tech isn’t even sure that’s the problem. I’m going to take it apart and see for myself, but then what are the chances of finding a used part like that? I’m guessing slim to none. Not sure what I’m going to do if I can’t get it working. I definitely will not be selling it, as I use it a lot.
A grill.
Yes, I finally got tired of fighting with my temperamental Brinkmann grill and I sold it on craigslist. What? You want to know what I got for it? $60 cash. It retailed new for $1,100, I paid $69.99 approximately 2 years ago. In that time, the burners were replaced and the gas valve with tubing was replaced. Even with the replacement parts, it was always a mystery as why it would work some of the time, but not all of the time. I just got tired of fighting with it. And yes, I sold it “as is” with a full disclosure of the issues I had with it.
As I was researching new grills (planing to buy one used), I came across this really cool looking grill. It’s a Fuego Element, it’s designer a previous Apple product designer. After some research, it seems as though this sexy looking grill is just not the easiest to use. The top gets hot and it’s not attached so you have to place the hot lid somewhere when cooking. The cast iron grates need care to prevent them from rusting. In my efforts to downsize, this grill is super-appealing in its size. But do I want the maintenance?
I looked at many other grills, I’ve read consumer reports on them, but I’m still unsure of my next grill purchase. I used my old one a lot and got my money’s worth, but I want something smaller and simple. I’m also looking at a Minden grill. This is unique, as you can add features to it later like a side burner and ice chest. The reviews are good, but it’s so new, there aren’t any used ones available.
I’m still deciding what to do about all of these situations. The no shopping is making it a hassle for the small things, like the fuses, but it’s provoking some creativity in finding solutions for the big things. I’ll keep you posted on the outcome of these situations. I’m prioritizing function over form, but that’s easier said than done sometimes.