I met with some friends at a local coffee shop a couple of days ago. Coffee shops are good… the implied earthy feel, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee, the trendy decor, the comfortable seats, the people watching entertainment and the busy sounds of much needed liquid caffeine being altered into complex 8 word requests from the addicts. I say all of that as I sit here drinking my one-shot, non-fat latte. A latte I made at home for a fraction of the cost of a coffee shop latte. Yes, I’m sitting at home, alone, looking at the mess I should be picking up, laundry I should be washing and saving money by not going to the coffee shop to blog.
Because I don’t like paper waste, I bring my own cup or mug to anyplace that will fill it, as opposed to a paper or styrofoam cup. I brought my retro orange mug into the coffee shop, and thinking about the 2 lattes I’ve had already, I really didn’t need another. But I also wanted to purchase something, as I’m sure they don’t appreciate me bringing in my own cup with my own drink. (yes, I admit, I’ve done that before) I decided to get a tea bag, as it’s probably the cheapest thing they have and I can use it a few times before it just makes hot water look dingy. So I got a tea bag that was some sort of green tea. “That will be $2.44…” the cashier said with a smile. ??!!? $2.44 for a tea bag? I paid, irritated with myself for not looking for a price before ordering this. I got my tea, in my retro mug and took at seat in the loft.
As I sat down and started to take a sip of my steaming hot tea, the shocking aroma of lilac stopped me immediately. I was pretty sure I was about to drink hot bubble bath. I took a deep breath and tried it. It didn’t taste as horrible as it smelled, and for $2.44, I’m going to drink it. I tell my kids not to be wasteful, so I’m gonna suck it up. (pun intended)
I drank about 3/4 of it and spent a lot of time thinking of other uses for this tea bag.
Green tea? Not so much. Bubble bath? Possibly, but it would stain my tub. Fabric dye? That would work, but I can’t think of anything I need to dye that color. A drawer sachet? I do not want my clothes smelling like that! Air freshener? Not a chance. Perfume? I could send it to my mom’s friend that used to wear vodka and lilac as perfume. She my enjoy it. Aroma therapy? No, this would be like aroma torture. Decor? I’m creative, and even I can’t make this work as a decor item. Any ideas? It’s still sitting on my counter.
My idea.
I’m not opposed to spending $2.44. I am opposed to spending that because I didn’t need anything to drink. What if these coffee shops had a program to buy something for someone in need? I go there, use their free wi-fi, take up table space, meet my friends there that are spending money, but my purchase is for a homeless person to have a cup of coffee or for a donation of their coffee to a local food pantry? This could be a win-win-win. I have a good place to meet friends, the coffee shop builds their business, someone in need gets a little help and our community is a better place. Works in my head. :)
Coffee shops…gathering places for pseudo intellectuals and coffee snobs. Society’s answer to the taboo of tobacco usage. I’ll stick with my $10 can of coffee that lasts a month.
As for the primary theme of this blog I agree, would be nice but a nightmare to manage. They most likely figure if you want to do that buy a cup and give it to whoever you want.
That was easy to do when I lived in Chicago and walked by people everyday that could have used the cup of coffee. And I did buy them some on occasion. Not so easy in wealthy Cookiecuttersville.