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The garage (cleaning) art project.

My garage is always a diaster area.  I couldn’t fit a car in there if I tried.  Heck, I’m not even sure a bike would fit.  Now let me be clear.  Even if I could fit a car in my garage, I wouldn’t put one in there.  I like to use my garage space as an art studio, a place where I can do crazy projects like or any other crazy idea that pops into my head.

Being an artist, I see everything as a blank canvas and every little trinket having some artistic value.  My garage clearly reflects my views. 

The artist’s garage cycle

In this process, freedom might look out of place for some people.  Here’s how I see it.  I organize the garage.  It’s nice and “picked up” until the hoarding starts.  Not like the TV show, although I could get there if I didn’t have the ability to purge.  Then I get enough stuff and enough ideas to create.  This creates chaos, which results in a mess.  It starts feeling claustrophobic, and then the element of stress comes in.  The stress is a result of unfinished ideas and having all of this stuff, each individual piece representing an idea or thought.  In my garage, that number could be in the thousands.  Then comes freedom.  This is the point where you give yourself the freedom to embrace this process… the hoarding, creation, chaos, messiness, anxiety (claustrophobia) and stress, knowing this IS the creative process.  Want to see what an artist’s brain looks like?  Go look in our garage.

Look at the relationships.  It makes sense, right?  Well, I guess it does to some people, maybe not everyone.  It starts looking like a clock of chaos to me.

The garage art

Without further ado, here’s the deal.

Clean the garage, but make it into a fun photo exploration using Instagram.

Here are the photos from day 1.  This will be an ongoing process forever.  And just for the record, I did purge a lot of stuff.  Freecyclers were happy.

The art

See all of the images in Flickr