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I had to go to Target to allow my son to exchange a birthday gift he received.  I put it off for a few weeks, but I needed to get it done.  I had to pick up a few groceries, and Target is a place where I could get both things done.

Of all the retail stores, I probably like Target best.  Honestly speaking here, I think it’s because they have stuff I like, but in every color imaginable.  I caught myself looking around and liking some of the things I saw, and I even thought about what it might be like to make a purchase.  Once I processed the thoughts through my ‘no retail shopping for a good reason’ filter, the items I thought about didn’t seem too appealing anymore.

Targeted. It’s almost halloween and here’s a new item you can get.  Themed halloween nutcrackers.  If they sell great at Christmas time, let’s make them for all holidays!  Wow.  I didn’t even buy a pumpkin this year.

Merrily targeted. I’m trying to teach my kids to save their money, and if they do spend it, to spend it wisely.  Does anyone else find this hard to do when every single thing in our society teaches impulse spending and that more stuff makes you successful?  Well, here’s your solution.  Save merrily with $10 Christmas themed piggy banks.  Candy cane pigs, reindeer pigs, elf pigs, ornament pigs and if you want to hear your child scream, get the satanic looking santa pig.  I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who leaves Christmas stuff out year round.  So does the money get stored away with the Christmas decorations?

I’ll merrily pass on this one.  They’re cute, but I see it as more clutter.  If it encourages your kids to save money, then this might be a good use of $10 though.  :)