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My friend Becca, out in California, had a great blog post last week. She said my blog had inspired her and she’s planning to do Christmas a little differently this year… all handmade gifts.  Well she has inspired me back!

Last year we did Christmas in a non-culture conforming way.  We gave our little envelopes with magnetic poetry words and our Christmas card was a blog site, whydidyougivemethis? I also blogged the 25 days of Christmas and made a book called Excessable Christmas.  It’s about living differently and not practicing the cultural chaos and consumerism during the holidays.

(The entire book is available on my blog or a hard copy is available for online purchase, all proceeds going to Casa Hogar Elim.)

My inspiration?  To give handmade and altered gifts this year.  With the no shopping challenge, I can’t shop, but I can make stuff.  Like Becca, I will be posting some of my ideas on my blog.  So the handmade stuff is probably clear, but altered gifts?  Definition:  something used, repurposed into something different and new.  I’ll have a few examples posted soon.

Here’s a few questions I pondered, knowing Christmas is coming soon:

  • What gifts can I give without shopping?
  • What creative things can I make to give?
  • How can I make my gifts meaningful?
  • What will I do with my money savings?

I will be blogging the answers to these over the next few weeks.  :)