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Why didn’t I just say, “No thank you?”  It was nice that the doctor gave each of my kids a plastic sports bottle, but I knew as he was offering them that we’re not keeping these.  Why did I not speak up?  Would it have been rude to say no?  Do these advertisement bottles really work to get new clients in?

I went through all of the mental gymnastics and it all pointed to the fact that I won’t use these and neither will my kids.  Thoughts swimming around in my head…

  • I don’t need more stuff.  I have enough sports bottles.
  • I’m not a fan of advertising on my stuff.
  • How do I know these don’t have BPA in them?
  • Braces are expensive!  Give me a discount and keep the bottles.
  • If I take these and keep them, I have to get rid of 2 things.
  • They’re just not attractive.
  • Mental image: bottles in the recycling bin

Am I the only one who even considers not taking the plastic crap that comes to us in situations like this?