Hangin' with my peeps on Easter Saturday
Our church building was originally a computer chip manufacturing facility, which gives us a nice industrial decor, but very limited parking. In our efforts to get a lot of people in for Easter, we asked our regular attenders to come on Saturday night.
Our most cool communications chick, Allison, thought up this great slogan with a play on the Easter candy peeps. HANGIN’ WITH MY PEEPS ON EASTER SATURDAY. Catchy? Yes. Cute? Yes. Cool, then let’s design some t-shirts! Anyone that takes one commits to coming to church on Saturday night.
After designing this, we realized quickly that men are not going to wear this. But wow, how difficult is it to just let go of such a cool idea? Well, after deciding it was best to change the plan, we completed our five stages of grief and moved on to her next great plan.
The great thing about working with Allison is that she can spout out ideas and come up with greatness all the time. So, on to plan B. In efforts to maximize the impact these shirts could have, we had to change direction. And we had to answer a few questions:
- What can we put on the shirts that people will wear all year round?
- Will men and women of all ages WANT to wear this shirt and keep it in their current wardrobe?
- How can we create some intrigue?
- How do we get people to our church if they see this shirt on a friend?

Saturday is the new Sunday t-shirt design
Those are a few questions we answered. T-shirts are not cheap (since it’s Easter, they aren’t cheep) and how can we maximize the dollars spent? We went with a new campaign, SATURDAY IS THE NEW SUNDAY. This plan turned out to be a good one for many reasons.
- Even though it was an Easter thing, we kept it generic so people could wear it all year long.
- It’s a trendy design, so it will more than likely stay in peoples “current-I-like-to-wear-this-fav-t-shirt” part of their wardrobe.
- The retro, grunge look is actually ‘cheeper’ to have printed on the t’s.
- T-shirts are the new propaganda. We all read other peoples t-shirts. So add your website to it. Then people that want to know more about it can go get info.
T-shirts aren’t the least expensive way to go, but a good design will carry those dollars a lot farther and say to people that God is NOT boring. Oh, and don’t forget to price shop! We have been getting our t’s from trendyexpressions.com and so far, no one has come close to their low prices and quality. :)