I challenged myself to write 50,000 words in the month of November. Why? Mostly to get myself back into a good habit of writing regularly. I enjoy writing, however it doesn’t come easy to me. I don’t consider myself a writer. I like brainstorming and making lists. I like generating ideas and sharing them with people. The idea to do this came from nanowrimo.org. National Novel Writing Month. I’ve never wanted to write a novel, but I want to write. Instead of writing a novel like the others, I decided to just write. Free write. Brainstorm. Make some lists. Tell some short stories. I did it, and might I say, it was awesome!
In efforts to focus and accomplish this goal, I suspended all social media, anything with friends games and got up at 5 a.m. every morning. I also cleaned my room. Yes, I know that sounds crazy. I needed to have an organized space and a comfortable place to write. AND, I’m setting a good example for my kids.
Today, 26 days later, I finished! Four days early. I did it! I exceeded 50,000 words! I went to the website to enter my final word count. I typed in the number and clicked “update,” fully expecting some congratulatory message or online party. Nothing. Just the same graph, with the same look, but with a “0” under words left to write. Kind of anti-climatic NaNoWriMo, don’t you think?
50,287 words! If you include this rant about the anti-climatic ending, it would be 50,543.